Herbal Tea bag - Chamomile
Sweet cherry and rose petals are a natural complement to the subtle grassiness of green tea. This would be fabulous over ice on a hot day. Cup Flavour Floral cherry over subtle green tea layers Brewing tips We recommend drinking this fragrant blend at mild strength after a brewing time of 2-4 minutes at a temperature of 90 C/194 F. No additions are required. Ingredients Green tea, Rose, Organic compliant natural flavors (Organic)
Tea bag paper.
Blended homemade black tea Weighted 45 grams each sachet Sold in 1 pack which contains 10 sachet Each box contains 10 packs or 25 packs 10 packs's box = 25 $ 25 packs's box = 63 $
Heenbovitiya/Osbeckia octandra Tea Scientifically known as Osbeckia Octandra, this Heinbovetia plant is native to Sri Lanka. It is also rarely found in Africa and countries with humid tropical forests. It is a proven medicine to cure diseases mainly of the liver and flush out the toxic compounds in the liver./A cure for diseases like jaundice, hepatitis and hyperlipidemia can also be obtained by daily use. The ability to control diabetes is also contained in this medicinal plant./Heenbovitya supports liver function and detoxification. Studies have shown that it can lower liver enzyme levels by 20%, indicating better liver health./Research has found that heenbovitiya helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is helpful in controlling diabetes./Studies show that HeenBovitiya can improve digestion and help manage digestive problems. Research shows that regular use improves digestive symptoms by 25%. Liver Health and Detoxification Osbeckia octandra is commonly used in traditional Sri Lankan medicine to support liver health. It is believed to help detoxify the liver, making it beneficial for conditions like hepatitis and other liver-related issues. Studies suggest that it may aid in liver function and help reduce inflammation in liver tissues. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results.
Curry Leaves Tea Scientific Name - Murraya koenigii The curry tree or curry tree is a tropical and subtropical tree of the Rutaceae family native to Asia. Curry is mainly suitable for lowering cholesterol levels. Curry is full of antioxidants, prevents the oxidation that produces LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol and increases the amount of HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol. Increases digestion. Treats liver related conditions. Helps in hair growth. Improves blood circulation. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou...!
Moringa oleifera/Moringa TEA Moringa is an important food source in some parts of the world. It can be grown cheaply and easily, and retains much of its nutritional value when dried. As an antioxidant, it seems to help protect cells from damage. Moringa might also help decrease inflammation and reduce pain. Moringa contains a range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents, such as quercetin, which may help protect cardiovascular health. Quercetin may help prevent lipid formation and inflammation, both of which can contribute to heart disease. Moringa may also have cholesterol-lowering properties. Moringa contains many essential compounds, How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou..!
Welpenela/Ballon Wine TEA Cardiospermum halicacabum, more commonly known as Welpenela in Sri Lanka and also known as the balloon plant or love in a puff around other tropical countries such as Africa and Australia is a weed that has many medicinal qualities. This is a perennial vine like plant which is quite common in the low country of Sri Lanka while it has been used as a medicinal plant for several centuries in various treatments for rheumatism, stiffness of limbs and even snakebites. Used as porridges and herbal teas there are many more qualities of Welpenela that we are learning about. The juice of the vine plant is used for menstrual diseases in women. Beneficial for urinary tract infections. Makes it easier to urinate well. vinegar is good for root and leaf bladder infections. Causes hunger. This causes redness when applied to the skin. Causes vomiting. Has antiseptic properties. The leaves and roots of the vine are used for diarrhea. It is also good for hemorrhoids. Penel root medicine is used to treat rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids and worms. The vine, which has many of these properties, has now become a rare plant. The vine can be identified as a medicinal plant that does a great service to the whole society. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou..!
Yakinaran/Atalantia ceylanica TEA Scientifically known as Atlantia Ceylanica, this plant is widely found in Sri Lanka, India and Vietnam. Atalantia ceylanica, also known as "Ceylon Atalantia," is a medicinal plant native to Sri Lanka and parts of South Asia. It is a lesser-known plant in herbal medicine but has gained attention for its potential therapeutic properties. Here are some health benefits associated with Atalantia ceylanica: Mainly this medicinal plant is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of phlegm, cold, cough and other diseases related to the respiratory system. Yakinaran is rich in vitamin C and improves the immune system process. It also helps to maintain the health of blood vessels at a good level. Yakinarang leaves contain abundant phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant compounds and is a medicinal plant rich in bioactive properties. Many hepatoprotective activities are contained in these leaves and this Yakanarang also has the ability to prevent foot pigmentation. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou..!
Amla/Nelli/Indian gooseberry Tea Furthermore, amla is rich in antioxidants, including flavonols, polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids. These compounds are linked to health benefits, such as improved memory and reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Indian Gooseberry has been given a prominent place in Ayurveda. In ancient India it was believed that Ambrosia (heavenly nectar) contained all rasas thereby, it could impart immortality. In that sense Amlaki and Hareetaki stand next by exhibiting five rasas. Therefore, Gooseberry is considered a "Rasayana" bestowed with anti-aging effects. Enthusiastic investigations on Amla substantiate almost all of its acclaimed properties. It has been identified to be a potent antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antistress etc. Apart from its medicinal use. It also finds an important place in traditional hair and skin care formulations. Its cytoprotective role has been investigated in detail. For Ayurveda Amlaki is considered to be a nature"s boon. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou..!
Annona muricata - Soursop Tea Soursop has many uses in traditional medicine, and it has been used to treat a wide range of health conditions and ailments. With its strong nutrient profile, it provides a variety of health benefits. Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost immune health. The vitamin strengthens your immune system, improving its ability to defend against pathogens. It also promotes the destruction of free radicals, which can help to protect your skin and cells from environmental oxidative damage. One whole soursop fruit contains 215% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Soursop (the fruit and the leaves) contains many other antioxidants, including phytosterols, tannins, and flavonoids. Antioxidants play a role in your overall health and may help to protect against a variety of health conditions.
Thebu Leaf TEA ( Insulin Tea ) Scientifically known as Costos specious, this plant is a medicinal plant found in humid regions in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Africa and America and is a recognized medicinal plant for ethnic medicine. It is also used for food in the regions of West India, China and Thebu. It has now become a sought-after medicinal plant. In traditional Hela Vedas, patients suffering from high diabetes are given a paste of Thebu leaf and Thebu is an effective medicine for patients suffering from diabetes. Thebu plant can be called a medicine full of valuable properties such as reducing body weight systematically, controlling high cholesterol levels, treating hyperlipidemia and lipid metabolism disorders. Regulates the blood sugar level Having a natural concentration of Coro Solic acid, Insulin plant can have a positive effect on blood sugar level. Coro Solic acid works in metabolism of glucose process like insulin that reduces blood sugar level by transporting glucose into cells and out of the bloodstream. This can be beneficial to anyone who has trouble with high blood sugar level.
Blue Butterfly PEA Tea Scientific name - Clitoria Ternatea Blue Butterfly PEA Tea mainly fights against the growth of cancer. By drinking and eating Blue Butterfly PEA, it enters the cancer cells and prevents its growth. It is also more suitable for relieving various swellings in the body. Blue Butterfly Pea Tea, made from the flowers of Clitoria ternatea, also known as the blue pea or butterfly pea plant, is a vibrant, blue herbal tea prized for its unique color-changing properties and health benefits. Here are the main health benefits associated with this tea. Supports skin and hair health. Weight loss promotion. Controlling blood sugar levels. Improve brain health. Improved eyesight. Improve reproductive health. Strengthening the hair. Supporting digestion. How to use - Put 1 Tea bag in a cup of hot water and soak it well for about 2 minutes and then drink it. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning for better results. Thankyou..!
Product Name: Gerd HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm) Packaging: Pouch Flavour: Plain with its mixed ingredients This tea contains: Curcuma zanthorrhiza (temulawak), Curcuma longa (turmeric), and Zingiber officinale (ginger) This tea has various health benefits, including helping to relieve digestive disorders such as diarrhea, increasing appetite, and having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. In addition, these three ingredients are also used in traditional medicine to treat various problems such as constipation and acne. Herbal tea yang mengandung Curcuma zanthorrhiza (temulawak), Curcuma longa (kunir), dan Zingiber officinale (jahe) memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, termasuk membantu meringankan gangguan pencernaan seperti diare, meningkatkan nafsu makan, serta memiliki sifat antibakteri, antiinflamasi, dan antioksidan. Selain itu, ketiga bahan tersebut juga digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah seperti sembelit dan jerawat.
Product Name: Breastfeeding Tea HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm ) Packaging: Pouch Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g) Flavour: Plain This tea contains: Temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza), Pekak (Illicium verum), Adas (Foeniculum vulgare), Klabet (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Jinten hitam (Nigella sativa), Kelor (Moringa oleifera) This tea contains a variety of health benefits, including boosting the immune system, aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and providing antioxidant effects. Some of these ingredients are also known to have antimicrobial properties and may support heart health. Teh Herbal ini memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, antara lain dapat meningkatkan sistem imun, membantu pencernaan, mengurangi peradangan, dan memberikan efek antioksidan. Beberapa bahan ini juga dikenal memiliki sifat antimikroba dan dapat mendukung kesehatan jantung.
Product Name: Anti-Diabetes and Cholesterol HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm) Packaging: Pouch Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g) Flavour: Plain This tea contains: Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Daun sirsak (Annona Muricata) Herbal tea containing these herbs have various health benefits. This includes reducing inflammation, improving skin health, and treating various diseases thanks to the content of active compounds such as xanthones from mangosteen skin and acetogenins from soursop leaves which are known to be beneficial for health. Teh Herbal yang mengandung ramuan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang beragam. Ini termasuk mengurangi peradangan, meningkatkan kesehatan kulit, serta mengobati berbagai penyakit berkat kandungan senyawa aktif seperti xanthone dari kulit manggis dan acetogenin dari daun sirsak yang diketahui bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.
Product Name: Slimming Tea HS Code: 30049065 Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm) Packaging: Pouch Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g) Flavour: Plain This tea contains: Daun Jati cina (Senna Alexandrina); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Jahe (Zingiber Officinale) Slimming tea containing the concoction has health benefits that include fat burning, weight loss, improving mood, and preventing diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In addition, Camellia sinensis is also known to prevent various types of cancer and improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Teh penurun berat badan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang meliputi pembakaran lemak, penurunan berat badan, peningkatan suasana hati, dan mencegah penyakit seperti diabetes tipe 2. Selain itu, Camellia sinensis juga diketahui dapat mencegah berbagai jenis kanker dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol
Green Tea Extract The green tea extract china has many functional phytonutrients, such as polyphenols, catechin, EGCG, etc. Tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant effects, their antioxidant capacity is 4-6 times that of synthetic antioxidants BHT and BHA, 6-7 times that of VE, 5-10 times that of VC, and the dosage is less: 0.01 -0.03% can work without the potential toxic and side effects of the compound; catechin has a protective effect on the pigments and vitamins in the food, so that the food can maintain the original color and nutritional level for a long time, which can effectively prevent the Corruption of food and edible oils, and can eliminate odors. Basic Information of ACE Biotech Green Tea Extract Product Name: Green Tea Extract Botanical Name :Camellia Sinensis Used Plant Part: Leaf Appearance: Fine light Brown Powder Active Ingredients: Polyphenols, Catechines, EGCG Application: Function Food, Animal Feed, Dietary Supplement Certification and Qualification: Non-GMO, Vegan, HALAL, KOSHER. As one of green tea extract manufacturers, we will do our best to meet all the needs of customers. We can also offer kinds of Panax Ginseng Extract for sale, if you are interested, please contact us.
Zaruree Natural Premium Black Tea Powder Savor the Elegance of Ooty Black Tea Indulge in the rich, aromatic flavor of Zaruree's Natural Premium Black Tea Powder, sourced from the lush tea gardens of Ooty, India. This exquisite tea is a testament to the region's renowned tea-growing heritage. As a premium black tea powder, Zaruree offers a 100% natural and high-quality option for tea lovers. Enjoy the rich and robust flavors and potential health benefits of black tea in a convenient, versatile powder form. Whether you use it for hot or cold beverages, Zaruree's premium black tea powder is sure to please.
Black Tea- MBTR 1000 Type:Ceylon Black Tea Nuwara Eliya FBOP A Binding blend of rich pure Ceylon black tea hand-picked from the misty mountains of Nuwara Eliya. Gives your cups a beautiful golden copper infusion and tingles your senses with a light aromatic flavor.