Okaytu Green SFTGFOP1
Rajabhat OF (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BOPSM Royal (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BP1 Royal (1st Flush)
Ringtong TGBOP (1st Flush)
Rohini Moonlight (1st Flush)
Rohini Moonshine (1st Flush)
Rohini Wonder (1st Flush)
Satali BOPSM (1st Flush)
Shikarpur OF Gold (1st Flush)
Shreya BOPL
Shreya BP Gold
SP Hotel Dust 1
SP Hotel Dust 2
Suffry FOP
he finest cup of tea, guaranteed. In over one hundred and fifty years, the name Ceylon had become synonymous with the world's finest tea. In the world's eye and tongue, Ceylon was tea and tea was Ceylon.
Leaves rolled into long curly leaves can be sweet and fruity with honey aromas, or woody and thick with roasted aromas, or green and fresh with complex aromas.
Generally features young or minimally processed leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, tea that is merely dried with no additional processing, tea made from the buds and immature tea leaves picked shortly before the buds have fully opened and allowed to wither and dry in natural sun.
CTC is a method of processing tea to make Black tea,the tea leaves are passed through a series of cylindrical rollers with hundreds of sharp teeth that crush, tear, and curl the tea into small, hard pellets instead of the orthodox method where leaves are rolled into strips. Tea blending is the combination of different teas together to achieve the final product. Can be had with milk
Our Blue Tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea, or tisane, beverage made from a decoction or infusion of the flower petals or even whole flower of the Clitoria ternatea plant.