We provide a large catalogue of Furniture Hardware Fittings like Door Handles, Door Latches, Door Knobs, Cabinet Handles, Cabinet Knobs, Locks, Bathroom Fittings, Lightings, Window & Curtain Fittings. In addition to off-the-shelf catalogue products we create custom designs as per client requirements. Our hardware fittings are crafted by expert metallurgy artisans in India using materials like brass, stainless steel, mild steel, aluminium, zinc alloys and with a variety of colors and surface finishes by techniques such as PVD, electroplating, electrophoresis etc.
High quality spirulina tablets for use as nutritional supplement.
High quality spirulina powder. Both organic and non-organic varieties available on request.
Food ingredients raw materials, spirulina, chlorella, chicory, interior design hardware, furniture fittings, door & window fittings, bathroom fittings, lighting, decorative hardware.