Also known as Trumpet tree, Embauba, Snakewood tree. The leaves can be used as tea or for pharmaceutical industry. The health benefits are enormous. It is used for Parkison's disease,for high blood pressure, for asthma, for upper respiratory problems (coughs, bronchitis, COPD, emphysema, pulmonary sarcoidosis), for upper respiratory bacterial and viral infections, reduces spasms, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria, kills fungi, fights free radicals, relieves pain and strengthens heart.
The heartwood of Basralocus is golden, rust or purple brown, usually with a brown red glow. It is clearly distinguishable from the 30 to 60 mm thick sapwood which is light grey when fresh and becomes a red brown colour when exposed to light Exterior joinery, Interior panelling, Flooring, Sliced veneer, Cooperage, Current furniture or furniture components, Heavy carpentry, Ship building (planking and deck), Resistant to one or several acids, Hydraulic works (seawater), Interior joinery, Industrial or heavy flooring, Cabinetwork (high class furniture), Veneer for back or face of plywood, Sculpture, Stairs (inside), Turned goods, Vehicle or container flooring, Bridges (Parts not in contact with water or ground