Garden Fairy House
Made of glass fibre
Made from stone
Cast Aluminium Deer Statue Cast Aluminium Animal Statues Home Decoration Crafts Dimension(cm): 44.5x13.5x22.5 56xx10.5x29.2 Material:Aluminium
Dancing music fountain Fountains can be tailored in any size according to customers' requirements. We have more than 15 water shapes such as waltz, water hibiscus, guanyin with many hands, etc. Light and water combined with various music, like cheerful, lyrical, passionate styles, can attract the viewers.
Water curtain movies factory The water curtain film of dalisi can be performed on lake and sea. The huge fan-shaped water curtain forms a stable projection surface, so video and laser projection can be played on the water curtain. Our company's water curtain is unique and magical. The thickness of the water curtain ensures the quality of the projection; the darkness and transparency of the water curtain create a kind of magical feeling for our viewers.
Digital water curtain supplier As the high technology of this industry, digital water curtain boasts ever-changing water shapes, wonderful visual effects and amazing technology. After yearefforts of research, dalisi masters the technology to control the water curtain. Digital water curtains can display logo, text and various graphics to blend with the surrounding buildings and environment both indoors or outdoors.
Outdoor music fountain Accompanied by the music light and water are dancingand dreamlike. Sometimesthey rush to the sky straight with the music, while sometimes they are soothing and beautiful. Our company enjoys 16-year history of technological research and development on music fountains, which are elegant works of art combining water, sound, light, electricity, beauty and high technology.
Music fountain Accompanied by the music, light and water are dancing and dreamlike. Sometimes they rush to the sky straight with the music, while sometimes they are soothing and beautiful. Our company enjoys 16-year history of technological research and development on music fountains, which are elegant works of art combining water, sound, light, electricity, beauty and high technology. Fountains can be tailored in any size according to customers' requirements. We have more than 15 water shapes such as waltz, water hibiscus, guanyin with many hands, etc. Light and water combined with various music, like cheerful, lyrical, passionate styles, can attract the viewers. Fountain can be integrated with architecture, planning and environment. Our water feature design draws upon from eastern and western cultural essence, using a lot of performance eleents, so each work is a water dance performance.
We offer our clients a range of statues including Green Granite Statues, Black Granite Statue, Zed Stone Statues, Stone Brahma Head Back Side, Stone Buddha and Soft Stone Brahma. The statues are made out of genuine Indian Granite by employing traditional techniques. Available In Various Sizes Shapes
We offer a wide range of brass statues that are made with extreme finesse by our craftsmen. These brass statues are available in varied sizes and shapes. These can be placed at your workplace or in your home to enhance its beauty. Available In Various Sizes Shapes
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Varaganapati, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and bestower of boons. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This black stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort. Suggested Placement: In the prayer (puja) room or in the living room Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you either in stone or in wood in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
The abhaya mudra symbolizes protection, peace and dispelling of fear (Abhaya in Sanskrit). As per Buddhist texts, the lord had made this gesture upon attaining enlightenment. This was also the gesture made by the god while being attacked by an angry elephant and managing to calm it down. The gesture is made with the right hand raised to shoulder height, arm bent, and palm facing outward. The gesture demonstrates that the hand is empty of weapons and thus indicates friendship and peace. When the right hand is in the abhaya mudra, the left hand usually hangs loosely at the side of the body or makes the varada mudra, or gift-giving gesture. Suggested Placement: In the living room or prayer (puja) room Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
A natural expression of things by words (Mudra in Sanskrit) by Buddha has been a gesture holding special meanings since generations. And there are several of them. One of the most popular mudras found depicted in Buddha statues is the Bhumisparsha mudra, translated as the earth touching gesture. This sculpture depicts the mudra and the iconographic representation is one of the most popular. An ideal artifact for any home, this sculpture in pink stone depicts the moment of Buddha's awakening. He is seen seated with his right hand reaching the ground with the palm inward while touching the lotus throne. The left hand can be seen with the palm upright in his lap. It is believed that the Bhumisparsha mudra helps us to bring about the transformation from rage and anger to wisdom. Suggested Placement: In the living room or prayer (puja) room Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
A natural expression of things by words (Mudra in Sanskrit) by Buddha has been a gesture holding special meanings since generations. And there are several of them. One of the most popular mudras found depicted in Buddha statues is the Dharmachakra mudra. Dharmachakra in Sanskrit means the wheel of Dharma.Thus the Dharmachakra mudra represents the setting into motion of the wheel of the teaching of Dharma. Each Mudras or peculiar hand gestures that can be seen in statues of Buddha have their own meaning, providing insights into an enlightened life. Dharmachakra mudra is one such unique hand gesture as sculpted in this wood sculpture. Translated from Buddhism as the wheel of Dharma, the distinctive gesture is also known as gesture of Teaching of the Wheel of Dharma. It depicts a significant moment in Buddha's life; he performed the mudra during his first sermon in Sarnath, a city north-east of Varanasi near the confluence of the Ganges and the Gomati rivers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Looking at the sculpture can unconsciously elevate inner awareness and usher calmness and peace. Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
The theory of infiniteness is intriguing. As per Hindu scriptures the universe is created and destroyed in a cyclic order and so is the life form. This sculpture in its grandeur depicts the origin of life, the uninhibited growth and the movement, the influence of the nature on life forms, the sufferings and the end leading to recreation again. Sugested Placement : This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the living room Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you either in stone or in wood in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Devangana : Celestial Miaden Playing Long Mouth Organ Intricately carved stone sculpture of a celestial maiden playing musical instrument This 49.5 statue niched out of sand stone with such fine details is a depiction of a Lord Indra, the king of the godscourt in ancient india.Where the divine guests were always given a royal welcome with maidens playing musical instruments and greeting by showring flowers. Suggested Placement: This stone sclupture can be kept at the entrance of the house to extend every guest a royal welcome. Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame. Dimension: 49.5x20"x11" Weight in Kgs : 85 Product Code : acrssslmlo-20
Sandstone Sculpture-Gayathri -The Opulent Devastri Intricately carved stone sculpture of a middle-class woman fetching water Carved out of sand stone with all its fine details, this 36 tall statue represnts life in the classical era. This depicts a woman of a middle class family fetching water from a near by source.As she walks, the poise and sensuality in her posture is quite striking. Suggested Placement: In all its grandeur this marvel of a piece can be kept in the courtyard or living room or at the entrance of the house. Note: This also can be custom made to a specific size over a specific time frame.
Sundari: A King's Welcome Intricately carved stone sculpture of a royal maiden welcoming guests The royal palaces were always a place where decorum of the ultimate level had to be constantly maintained. After all, it depicted the superiority of a king and his authority over his people. In this sculpture in sandstone, one element that makes for the entire splendour in royalty is being sculpted. The lady is part of a huge contingent of dancers, musicians, courtesans and others whose responsibility is to welcome (Svagata in Sanskrit) and entertain royal guests. Her grace, which is reflected in the sculpture, is an essential part of her role to keep the guests in a comfort zone. The exquisite attire, which has been carved to perfection in all its complexity, lends a sense of sophistication that is inevitable with the royals of yore in India. Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame. Dimension: 36"x16"x9" Weight in Kgs : 45 Product Code : acrssslkcg-02 Artist : Rabi SahooWeight in Kgs : 45 Product Code : acrssslhph-01