Ceylon (Ceylon tea) - a type of tea, produced in Sri Lanka. It is black tea, fully fermented. Its best harvests are dated February, March, August and September, however it is harvested all year round. Ceylon tea is characterized by a full, distinctive flavor and a red-brown color. It is the kind closest to what is generally considered to be tea in Europe and America. It is brewed by pouring boiling water over it and waiting 2â??3 minutes. The tea production process is similar almost everywhere on the island. It is carried out according to the scheme : tea harvest - the best quality tea is produced from the first two leaves and a bud; leaf wilting - a process to get rid of excess water from the leaves; rolling - leaves warmed up during twisting begin the oxidation process; screening - initial selection and cooling of leaves; oxidation - almost one hundred percent - makes the final product black tea; drying - stopping the oxidation process by heating it to a temperature of about 90â??95�ºC; sorting - selecting leaves and separating them in terms of leaf size; cleaning - removal of all kinds of dirt and stems; sensory assessment - tea brewed in accordance with the ISO 3103 standard, ensures the quality of the final product; packaging - the finished dried material is placed in paper bags, lined with aluminum foil, which prevents light and moisture from entering the packaging.
This product is made of Metallized Laminated Kraft Liner Board. Size and print are customizable. This product is used for retail packing of leafy grade tea.
Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruit, often known as the coffee cherry. These bean-like seeds are usually dried, roasted, and brewed to make coffee. Because drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits such as a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver disease | you may wonder if eating coffee beans has the same effect. Munching on coffee beans, Especially those covered in chocolate is an increasingly popular way to get a caffeine fix.
Health Benefits from Coffee;
1. Coffee boosts your physical performance.
2. Coffee may help you lose weight.
3. Coffee helps you burn fat.
4. Coffee helps you focus and stay alert.
5. Coffee lowers risk of death.
6. Coffee reduces risk of cancers.
7. Coffee reduces risk of stroke.
8. Coffee reduces risk of Parkinson's disease.
9. Coffee protects your body.
10. Coffee may lower risk of Type II diabetes.
11. Coffee protects your brain.
12. Coffee brightens your mood, helps fight depression and lowers risk of suicide.
This product is made of of 2-4 plies of Standard or Extensible Sack Kraft paper with the innermost ply laminated to Metallized film or Aluminium foil with LDPE. The size, print and mouth of the bag are customizable
This product is made of one layer of Kraft Liner board and another layer of Sack Kraft paper. The sack kraft layer is laminated to Metallized film or Aluminium foil with LDPE. The size, print and mouth of the bag are customizable.
Our general purpose heavy-duty vector Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) provides sensorless vector control in machining tools, ceramic machinery, hoisting cranes, air compressors, and other tools in petroleum and chemical, textile, and engineering industries. Sustainability, flexibility, and ease of use are all designed into the drive, helping you make complicated tasks simple.
With high torque and failure-free operation, the VFD is efficient and flexible in its application and features overload and current-limiting safety features. You can count on our drive series for constant, high quality performance.