Sand White
polyscias Filicifolia
Pleomele song of India and Jamaica
Croton Petra, Banana and Acubaefolia
Cordyline Fire Cracker
Marginata green and bicolour
Aglaonema Pseudibracteatu, Siam, Silver queen and Valantine
3pp = 03 plants per pot Plants are rooted in coir dust and floral form 200 plants per carton, caron size. 85cm x 38cm x 25 cm.
03 rooted cuttings in a pot. Media - coir fibre dust 500 plants per carton. Weight of a carton = 12 kg Carton size - 85x38x25 cm
The above price is for a basket of 09 kg of fresh Sri Lankan betel leves, minimum of 30 basket quantity order. Valid till 15th of july 2008. Packed in envoirmrnt frendlly ECO PACKING . paked in reed baskets.
Freshly Hand-picked Blue Lotus, with a stem up to 12 inches in length
Product Details Dried buds 25g / 50g / 100g / custom Petals 25g / 50g / 100g / custom
Guava Leaves
Neem Leaves
Papaya Leaves