Effective herbal balm for ache and pains, Headaches, Migraine. sinusitis. Common cold. nasal congestion, Tonsillitis, Sore throat,Neck stiffness, Muscle stiffness, Muscle pain and cramps, Joints pain, Inflammation and Oedema, Back pain. Sprain, Menstrual pain, Insect bite including mosquitoes. keep sukayu Balm at your desk, in the car, or in your bag to make sure it is always within reach when you need that extra comfort
We make herbal oils, medicated oils and Ayurveda oils. We have somw of the best Hair oils that can give complete Hair solutions from dandruff , hair repair , sscalp repair , hair grow etc.
Cosmetics items.
Hard cold sugar wax.
Natural skin care products.
Adam Carbons Activated Carbon Desiccant & Odour Removing Sachet is an Eco-Friendly desiccant and odour remover suitable for any and all applications which require removal of moisture and / or unwanted fragrances.
Cosmetics items.
Skincare and haircare products.
Cosmetic items.
Cosmetics and personal care products..
Industrial detergent & disinfectant .
Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Hand Sanitizer .
Alcohol based hand sanitizer.
A soothing formula that promotes collagen production, helps prevents sagging, protect against sun damage, soothe sunburns and help wound healing
Loaded with some of the best hair care oils, this elixir will nourish, vitalize, protect and strengthen both your hair and hair follicles. The curry leaf extract in particular would help mitigate hair loss, which therefore is extremely beneficial for hair thinning, premature greying and hair damage.
Hydrating lip moisturizer that prevents irritation, protects from the sun and exfoliates the lips giving it a natural glow and hint of colour. Great to be used as a body balm as well, helps further recovery from many skin ailments.
A rejuvenating mist that boasts a wealth of antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that would help maintain a clear skin throughout the day. Helps protect and mattify skin in extreme humidity while minimizing redness & blotchy skin from eczema, acne and other inflammatory skin conditions and pore appearance.
Regulates oil, treats hyper-pigmentation, treats acne and protects against sun damage and oxidative stress. The toner would also assist in minimizing pore appearance, redness & blotchy skin from eczema, acne and other inflammatory skin conditions.