Product Code : 1CAS00HT
Product Name : Cassia Stick Heat Treated
Description : Cassia sticks from selected dried stems inner bark of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum burmannii
which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Brown cassia sticks of mix quills lenght about 8 cm
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 14.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 2.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Length (cm) : About 8 ± 1
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
24 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CAS08NH
Product Name : Cassia Stick 8 cm Non Heat Treated
Description : Cassia sticks from selected dried stems inner bark of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum burmannii
which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Brown cassia sticks of mix quills lenght about 8 cm
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 2.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Length (cm) : About 8 ± 1
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Not Available
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Not Available
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Available
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Available
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Not Available
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
Stability And Storage : 24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CLG40ST
Product Name : Chili Ground US #40 Steam Sterilized
Description 100 % chilli, from specially variety of whole, sound fruits of Capsicum frutescens.
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Cabe (Indonesia), Chili (English)
Botanical Name : Capsicum frutescens
Plant Part : Used Fruits
Odor Characteristic sweet aroma with hot burning sensation
Color/Appearance : Bright red to deep red
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 10.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 8.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min. 90 % Through US #40 (0,420mm)
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 100.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Ma. 1000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/50g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
12 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CBW02NS
Product Name : Clove Bud Whole FAQ Non Steam Sterilized
Description : Clove whole from dried unopened flower bud of an evergreen tree
Eugenia : caryophyllata.
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Cengkeh (Indonesia), Clove Bud (English)
Botanical Name : Eugenia caryophyllata
Plant Part : Used Seeds
Odor Characteristic : clean true to type, strong bitter aromatic
Color/Appearance : Reddish Brown
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 10.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 10.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Foreign Material (%) : Max. 0.5
Stems (%) : Max. 2.0
Inferior Cloves (%) : Max. 5.0
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Not Available
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Not Available
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Available
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Available
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Not Available
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
STABILITY AND STORAGE : 24 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CBG40ST
Product Name : Clove Ground US #40 Steam Sterilized
Description 100 % clove dried clean, unopened flower bud of an evergreen tree Eugenia caryophyllata.
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Cengkeh (Indonesia), Clove Bud (English)
Botanical Name : Eugenia caryophyllata
Plant Part : Used Flower
Odor Characteristic : clean true to type, strong bitter aromatic
Color/Appearance : Darken to Reddish Brown
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 5.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min. 95.0 Through US #40 (â?? 0.420 mm)
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 100
E. coli (mpn/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (mpn/g) : Max. 100
Salmonella (cfu/50g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : 20 kgs polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
STABILITY AND STORAGE : 24 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20 - 22oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
Product Code : 1GRG40ST
Product Name : Ginger Ground US #40 Steam Sterilized
Description 100 % ground product from dried sliced of selected washed fresh rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscue a robust herbs perennial
plant belong to the family Zingiberaceae.
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Jahe (Indonesia), Ginger (English)
Botanical Name : Zingiber officinale Roscue
Plant Part : Used Root
Odor Characteristic, pleasant aromatic, pungent and warm taste
Color/Appearance Beige to medium yellowish brown powder
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 1.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 8.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min. 95 Through US #40
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 100.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/50g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
STABILITY AND STORAGE : 12 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1KLG20ST
Product Name : Kaffir Lime Leaf Ground US #20 Steam Sterilized
Description Pure Kaffirlime Leaves processed from the selected clean and
oven dried leaves of Citrus hystrix.
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Daun Jeruk (Indonesia), Kaffir Lime Leaf (English)
Botanical Name : Citrus hystrix.
Plant Part : Used Leaf
Odor Characteristic to Kaffirlime Leaves odor, fresh lime-like aroma with a
characteristic pleasant taste.
Color/Appearance : Yellowish green to pale green dried leaves powder.
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 0.3
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 10.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min. 95.0 Through US #20
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 100
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/50g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
STABILITY AND STORAGE : 12 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
Product Code : 1TRG35ST
Product Name : Tamarind Powder US #35 Steam Sterilized
Description Ground product produce from selected sliced and dried fruits of Garcinia atroviridis, which belongs to the family of Guttiferae/
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Asam Gelugur (Indonesia), Tamarind (English)
Botanical Name : Garcinia atroviridis
Plant Part : Used Fruit
Odor Specific characteristic and sour taste
Color/Appearance : Brown powder
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 11.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min. 95 US #35 (0.500 mm)
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 100
E. coli (mpn/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (mpn/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/50g) : Negative
Testing methods : ASTA METHOD
PACKAGING : 15 kgs polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
STABILITY AND STORAGE : 18 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20 - 32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code 1CAB20ST
Product Name : Cassia BRC VO 2,0 % Steam Sterilized
Description Cassia broken from selected dried stems inner bark grade KB of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum
burmannii which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
ANALYTICAL/PHYSICAL : Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance ; Yellowish to pale brown dried stem's inner bark broken
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) Max. 14.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 2.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Foreign Material (%) : Max. 0.5
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Negative
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
Stability And Storage : 24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code 1CAB30ST
Product Name Cassia : BRC VO 3,0 % Steam sterilized
Description Cassia broken from selected dried stems inner bark grade KM of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum
burmannii which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Yellowish to pale brown dried stem's inner bark broken Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) Max.: 14.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 3.00
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Foreign Material (%) : Max. 0.5
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Negative
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
Stability And Storage : 24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20 - 32C
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CAG40ST
Product Name : Cassia Ground US # 40 Steam Sterilized
Description Ground product produce from selected dried stem's inner bark of Evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum
burmanii C.G. Nees et. Blume which belongs to the family
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
ANALYTICAL/PHYSICAL : Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Tan to caramel brown powder
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 1.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) Min 95.0 % through US # 40 (0.42 mm)
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : NegativE
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
Stability And Storage : 24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended storage temperature : 20 - 32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CAG50ST
Product Name : Cassia Ground US #50 Steam Sterilized
Description Ground product produce from selected dried stem's inner bark of Evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum
burmanii C.G. Nees et. Blume which belongs to the family
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Tan to caramel brown powder
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 1.5
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Particle Size (%) : Min 95.0 % through US # 50 (0.297 mm)
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) Not Detected
Salmonella (cfu/25g) Negative
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene inner bag with three-ply kraft paper outer bag
Stability And Storage
24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended Storage Temperature: 20-32oc
Recommended Storage Humidity (rh) : 50-60 %
Keep In Dry And Airy Place With No Direct Sunlight Exposure
No Extreme Treatments Which Could Destroy Packaging Protection Capacity
Use All After Opening The Packaging
Product Code : 1CAS06NH
Product Name : Cassia Stick 6 cm Non Heat Treated
Description : Cassia sticks from selected dried stems inner bark of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum burmannii which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Brown cassia sticks of mix quills lenght about 6 cm
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 12.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 2.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) ; Max. 1.0
Length (cm) : About 6 ± 1
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Not Available
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Not Available
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Available
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Available
Salmonella (cfu/25g) : Not Available
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
Stability And Storage : 24 Months When Stored Properly On The Following Conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection capacity
ï?¼ Use all after opening the packaging
Product Code : 1CAS06HT
Product Name : Cassia Stick 6 cm Heat Treated
Description Cassia sticks from selected dried stems inner bark of evergreen tree of the tropics and subtropics Cinnamomum burmannii
which belongs to the family Lauraceae
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Common Name : Kayu Manis (Indonesia), Cassia (English)
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmannii
Plant Part : Used Bark
Odor Most fragrant, pleasing odor, mildly pungent taste, sweet, warm, typically of Cinnamon characteristic aroma
Color/Appearance : Brown cassia sticks of mix quills lenght about 6 cm
Infestation Shall be free from any pest / insect infestation
Moisture Content (%) : Max. 14.0
Volatile Oil (%) : Min. 2.0
Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 7.0
Acid Insoluble Ash on Dry Basis (%) : Max. 1.0
Length (cm) About 6 ± 1
Total Plate Count (cfu/g) : Max. 10.000
Yeast and Mold (cfu/g) : Max. 1.000
E. coli (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Coliform (cfu/g) : Not Detected
Salmonella (cfU/25g) : Negative
Testing Methods : Asta Method
Packaging : Polyethylene Inner Bag With Three-ply Kraft Paper Outer Bag
24 Months when stored properly on the following conditions:
Recommended storage temperature: 20-32oC
Recommended storage humidity (RH) : 50-60 %
Keep in dry and airy place with no direct sunlight exposure
No extreme treatments which could destroy packaging protection packaging
Price And Quantity
Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range350.00 - 2000.00 INR/Kilograms
Product Specifications
Product NameStar AniseProduct TypeDried
Shelf Life1 YearsStorageDry Place
Product Description
Star Aniseeds With Stem
We provide Star Aniseeds With Stem which are hand picked, no stem, well dried and reddish color without fungus or mould. Can be made into a liquid scent and used for fishing and hunting. Leaves are used to treat digestive problems, to relieve toothache and its essential oil is used to treat lice and scabies.
Trade Information
Payment TermsCash in Advance (CID), Cash Advance (CA)Supply Ability10000 Kilograms Per Week
Delivery Time2-7 DaysMain Export Market(s)Africa, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Asia
Main Domestic MarketAll India
--Price And Quantity
Minimum Order Quantity5 KilogramsPrice Range400.00 - 1000.00 INR/Kilograms
Product Specifications
Product NameSpicesProduct TypeDried
ColorYellow,Green and RedGradeFood
Product Description
organic spices :
Our line of spices captures flavors and sensation from all parts of India and bring them straight to your kitchen to guarantee the perfect intense, and pesticide free seasoning of your meal.
Our spices and herbs available as 'whole', 'flakes' or 'ground', as per specifications. Vibrant in color, flavor and aroma. These organic spices and herbs are amongst the best in the world, cleaned, graded and packed for retail or bulk sales. Our bulk supply comes in vacuum packed bags for all spice powders.
Belonging to the same family of black cumin, onion seed is also known as kalonji, black onion seed, black caraway, etc. Onion seed constitutes 38% of oil that is responsible for its aromatic flavor. The seeds are used as flavoring agents while cooking. The seeds need to be toasted to enhance their fragrant tinge
The process of dry celery flakes starts with selecting quality celery then chopping and drying it. Dried celery flakes can be used when fresh celery is a cooking spice that is usually used in soups, stews, and other dishes.
Muntok White Pepper is a trade mark pinned by importers as well as consumers or buyers from abroad on White Pepper from Bangka Island, Indonesia, which has been a world commodity for a very long time.
Pepper Bangka also called Pepper / Sahang, has the Latin nickname Piper Albi Linn is a plant that is rich in chemical content, such as pepper oil, fat oil, and starch. Pepper is slightly bitter, spicy, warm, and antipyretic. This plant has begun to be discovered and known since decades ago. Available Muntok White Pepper Grade 620 G / L KA 13% and Grade 630 G / L 12.5%