Home Furniture, Hotel Furniture And Equipments, Decor Items, Textile, Lighting, Outdoor Furniture.
Ceramic tile and ceramic.
Brass lighting fixtures, classical lighting fixtures, glass lighting fixtures.
Stones, ceramic, granite and marble items.
silica is the second most abundant element in the earthâ??s crust. Silicon oxide or silica is a chemical compound that exists in pure or compound form in silicate minerals. This material is used in the industries of glass and ceramics, fillers, electronics, optics and semi-media, lighting and infrared, and optical fibers and computers. It is used in porcelain, concrete, grass, rice paddies, ferrosilicon production, ceramics, lime sand brick production, casting, and sodium silicate production. In general, this material is the main constituent of many ceramics and glass. . This material also has many uses in technical applications. Glass silica: Silica is the main element in all types of glass. The main glass products include utensils such as glass bottles and crystal cups and flat glass such as windows and mirrors and vehicle glass and lighting glass and tableware are used and silica is cast. It is widely used in casting metal parts. Molten metal is poured into molds made of silica sand. Fine-grained silica is also a component of most clay bodies and a major component of ceramic glaze. Everyday products include tableware, sanitary ware, jewelry, and wall and tile. Home Jacuzzis usually use different grades of premium silica. Silica is also used in sports venues, for example for the floors of equestrian clubs, in the production of artificial turf, golf and football fields, and in parks as a playground. In general, this useful substance is used in the production of chemicals and metals, filters in some industries, and in the production of plastics and agricultural products. Consulting Name Email Message
Construction material (tiles, marble...) and construction machinery.
We are all familiar with bitumen and have used it in our daily lives. Bitumen is mainly used as an adhesive in asphalt, which plays a very important role in road construction and sealing at landfills and hydraulic engineering. This important material has many roles in the world, for example, its other application is the production of roofing membranes and waterproofing for flat roofs and waterproofing of buildings. Bitumen is also used in many areas outside the construction industry because it has the effect of thermal insulation and sound absorption, which reduces foot noise. Bitumen is mostly used in insulation of roofs and roofs, which can prevent moisture and water penetration. Also, bitumen insulation is one of the most common waterproofing techniques in buildings due to its chemical and physical properties and preventing water penetration. Components are used in contact with the floor, floorboards and walls as a horizontal and vertical waterproofing In general, bitumen is used in construction in all parts of the world as the main sealing material for service bitumen, garden bitumen, balcony sealing, and pre-roofing bitumen substructure. Tile bedding such as bathrooms and toilets that are constantly exposed to moisture must be sealed with water to prevent water from penetrating them. There are also different types of bitumen in construction, such as mixed bitumen, emulsion bitumen, Trinidad bitumen, modified bitumen, tar bitumen, loose and mixed construction bitumen, hard construction bitumen, each of which has its own application
limestone suppliers:Limestone is a sedimentary substance of chemical origin that is mainly composed of calcium carbonate. Limestone is one of its applications in construction and construction. For example, certain types of limestone, such as those found in northern Otago, are used to build blocks. It is also possible to use limestone grains directly from the mine as base materials in road construction. Also, limestone deposits can be used in agriculture because by grinding limestone, different grades can be produced. It is one of the factors that can affect plant growth. By spreading agricultural lime on the pit or soil, the carbonate content of limestone can neutralize the acid in the soil. This causes the release of minerals such as phosphate and absorption of the plant. Be commented. In the production of steel, a large amount of limestone and crude lime is used, which can be said to be one of the applications of lime in this field. Also, some insulating materials that are molded as units are silica and lime. Lime as a factor The bond reacts with the silica in a mixture of its own, and as a result the reaction of silicate and lime is used in the manufacture of insulation. One of the applications of lime is in the preparation of cement, in which about 60 to 70% of lime is used, and after heating it, carbon dioxide is released. Limestone with a grain size of 0 to 90 microns is usually used in two preparations of Itung. Itung is produced from silica powder, lime powder, aluminum cement and is a building material. Be. Lime is one of the main ingredients for consumption in the production of sugar from sugarcane and sugar beet. Lime is added to the solution as an alkaline agent to precipitate and separate the unwanted substances by creating insoluble calcium compounds. After the lime has done its job, in the next steps, it is separated by performing the carbonation process and adding
Dolomite is a common rock-forming mineral. It is a calcium magnesium carbonate with a chemical composition of CaMg(CO3)2. It is the primary component of the sedimentary rock known as dolostone and the metamorphic rock known as dolomitic marble. Limestone that contains some dolomite is known as dolomitic limestone. Most rocks that are rich in dolomite were originally deposited as calcium carbonate muds that were postpositionally altered by magnesium rich pore water to form dolomite. Dolomite is also a common mineral in hydrothermal veins. That may have barite, galena, fluorite, etc. Dolomite crystals are colorless, white, buff-colored, pinkish, or bluish. Granular dolomite in rocks tends to be light to dark gray, tan, or white. Dolomite long has been used as a source of calcium and magnesium for animal feeds. It is now available in a number of dosage forms including tablets and chewable wafers, to be taken as dietary supplements. Dolomite is used as a source of magnesia (MgO), a feed additive for livestock, a sintering agent and flux in metal processing, and as an ingredient in the production of glass, bricks, and ceramics. Dolomite is used as a source of magnesium metal and of magnesia (MgO), which is a constituent of refractory bricks. Dolomite serves as the host rock for many lead, zinc, and copper deposits. Dolomite also serves as an oil and gas reservoir rock. This can produce pore spaces in the rock that can be filled with oil or natural gas that migrate in as they are released from other rock units. This makes the dolomite a reservoir rock and a target of oil and gas drilling. Agriculture grade dolomite used for soil neutralization and conditioner to correct acidity. It also finds use as filler in fertilizers. The main ingredient is calcium carbonate, it helps to increase the pH of acidic soils and it provides a good source of calcium for plant. It improves the water penetration for acidic soil.
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Extra virgin olive oil from first cold pressed olives. Yellowy green in colour with a clean & clear with an intense fruity taste. Available in the following sizes & formats: Glass bottle: 250 ml glass bottle 500 ml glass bottle 750 ml glass bottle PET: 1 L bottle 2 L bottle 5 L bottle Characteristics: Variety: Hojiblanca Acidity less than 0,5 Intense fruity aroma Lightly spicey in flavour Yellowish green in colour, bright & clear
A combinationof virgin olive oil & refined olive oil, with a pleasant fruity flavour and great aroma. We use fruity and low in acidity extra virgin olive oil to give aroma. The oil is then blended with refined olive oil which softens the flavour and gives colour and clarity. We have 2 versions available: mild & intense. Composition: The percentage used for each type of oil is determined depending on the acidity of each oil to ensure that the end result has a maximum acidity of 0.4º for the mild oil and 1º for the intense blend. Available in the following packaging: MILD: PET: 1 L bottle 2 L bottle 5 L bottle Glass bottle: 500 ml glass bottle 750 ml glass bottle INTENSE: PET: 1 L bottle 5 L bottle