the programmer can burn almost all the microchip's PIC's like the PIC16F64, 16F877, 18F2550, 18F4550 and more... using the USB interface. It works on windows XP and VISTA also. 10mmX15mmX10mm
Spent auto catalytic converters.
Used catalytics converters and loose haneycomb per kgs..
Distribution of engineering goods.
Laptops, laptop, refurbished laptops, used laptops, new laptops, notebooks, netbooks.
Scrap Catalytic Converter..
Peruvian fabric coasters, mouse pads, pot holders, mats, table runers.
Phone, desktop, notebook, celular.
Second hand computer parts (pcb), used oil, used tyre.
Scrap catalytic converter.
Electronic Scrap, Computer Motherboard Scrap, Cpu Scrap, Mobile Phone Scrap, Ram Scrap.
Metal scrap 1 & 2, teak and gmelina logs and scrap catalytic converters.
Notebooks, TV LCD, mobiles phones.
Venda de produtos, MP3, GPS, memoria, teclado, mouse, web cam, celulares.
Video games, pen drive MP3, MP4, laptop.Repair
Arts and crafts, typical sweets and delicacies, jewellery, children's clothing, books.Consulting, assessments, distributions buying and selling, non formal education
Component for home appliances (water valves, pressure switches, timers, drain pumps, thermostats, switches, spark modules and other customized products).
Overhead projectors, fabric screens for video projection, mounts and brackets for TV plasma and lcd, laser pointers.