Bio technology for the breaking of surface tension of water Per requirement
M3T (Dust Suppression product).
One of our subsidiary company has 3 decades of experience in hot forging technology. We have the capabilities to work with work with variety of raw materials, parts of varying size and complexities in both conventional heat treatment and controlled cooling and we also have CNC machining capabilities
Is designed for using hydrocarbon solvents of AIII class in total safety (hydrocarbon , Isoparaffine, Modified Alcohol , Dowclene). A wide range of models is also available. These systems feature a drying cycle under vacuum in a controlled atmosphere and solvent distillation technology under vacuum, enabling fractioned distillation. Each model can also be customised to enable the use of a wide range of drums with various types of perforations based on the chips involved and with fixed or adjustable covers and cylindrical drums or split-drums. The systems can also be interfaced with automatic drum loading-unloading systems, which are designed on the specific logistic requirements of the customer.