Our beeswax is all pure, there is no additives or coloring. All the beeswax thatwe sell comes direction from privately owned hives and all the farmers keep exceptional standards in collection and and storage . They don't treat their bees with any type of pesticides or chemicals. Which means you can use this for cosmetics too. Most beekeepers use pesticides to kill the mites, They DON'T! This beeswax is all organic and natural. The beeswax that we are selling is from honey cappings, and still has a sweet honey smell to it.
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Sea foods.
Lucas sawmills are easily transported the mills can produce up to 6 cubes of timber per shift. Has optional slabber attachment to produce slabs up to 1.5m in width.Cuts up to 6m in lengh standard but can be extended.160x160 215x215 254x254 mm standard cut dimentions All mills are supplied sub assembled in crate with loose x2 6m track rails