In cooperation with our Austrian based company we developed this fantastic herb flavor which we have implemented into the drink. With this came the Ameras which is now available. Developers background comes to long years of history manufacturing and developing mainly wine and liqueurs at local area. Ameras is suitable for pubs or bars, but its many different package design makes it also wonderful present or gift.
In cooperation with our Austrian based company we developed this fantastic herb flavor which we have implemented into the drink. With this came the Ameras which is now available. Developers background comes to long years of history manufacturing and developing mainly wine and liqueurs at local area. Ameras is suitable for pubs or bars, but its many different package design makes it also wonderful present or gift.
Licorice roots and products.
Saffron is a spice made from the stigmas of the fall-flowering plant Crocus sativus, a member of the iris family. It is native to Asia Minor, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years to be used in medicines, perfumes, dyes, and as a wonderful flavoring for foods and beverages. Saffron threads are fine and have a yellow tendril on one end and a flute on the other. Ground saffron is red to red-orange in color. Saffron is suitable for vegan, gluten-free, and paleo diets. Cooking With Saffron: Saffron threads should be crushed before using them in recipes. For ground saffron, it is best to start with saffron threads and lightly toast and grind them yourself. Just be extremely careful not to burn them or they won't be usable. Often, recipes call for only a pinch of saffron, so a little goes a long way. One common procedure is to steep saffron threads in the cooking liquid before using them. The longer you steep the saffron threads, the stronger the flavor and color of the cooking liquid. Some frugal cooks steep saffron threads and use the liquid in the recipe, and then dry and reuse the threads a second time. Where to Buy Saffron: Saffron will be available at a well-stocked grocery store, but it is often not out on the open shelf where it might tempt thieves. It might be in a special locked cabinet in the spice area, or you will need to ask at the service desk. It is best to buy saffron threads rather than ground saffron. One reason is that it is easier to detect counterfeits and know that you are getting the true saffron you are paying for. Powdered saffron is not as strong, tends to lose flavor, and is also easily adulterated with fillers and imitations. Since so little saffron is needed, you will find ground saffron sold in packets of about 1/16 teaspoon, and threads equaling about 1/4 gram or 1/2 of a teaspoon. Yet, these seemingly small amounts will often flavor more than one dish. You can also order saffron online, but you must be wary of any deals. If the price is far below that from other spice purveyors, it may not be authentic saffron.
Epoxy resins.
High end, artisanal fragrances..Distribution and international shipping.