The granulated blast-furnace slag is sand-type slag manufactured by spraying high-pressure water jets on a blast-furnace molten slag.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) is a by-product from the blast-furnaces used to make iron. Blast furnaces are fed with controlled mixture of iron-ore, coke and limestone, and operated at a temperature of about 1,500�°C. When iron-ore, coke and limestone melt in the blast furnace, two products are producedâ??molten iron, and molten slag. The molten slag is lighter and floats on the top of the molten iron. The molten slag comprises mostly silicates and alumina from the original iron ore, combined with some oxides from the limestone. The process of granulating the slag involves cooling of molten slag through high-pressure water jets. This rapidly quenches the slag and forms granular particles generally not bigger than 5 mm. The rapid cooling prevents the formation of larger crystals, and the resulting granular material comprises around 95% non-crystalline calcium-alumino silicates. The granulated slag is further processed by drying and then grinding in a vertical roller mill/rotating ball mill to a very fine powder, which is GGBS. Applications of GGBS Powder �· Replacement of cement for super structure Ready Mix Concrete Cement Manufacturing Precast Manufacturing Packing Details: 25 kg HDPE Bags, 50 Kg HDPE Bags, 1 ton Jumbo Bags and As per Customer's requirements
1.- PRICE: 40,00 US$ per ton 2.- PRODUCT: Electric steelmill slag (iron slag) Mining material from primary metallurgy or smelting of raw materials that are generated in electric arc furnaces. 5.-SPECIFICATIONS: Contained in the Attached Technical Sheet 6.- MONTHLY SUPPLY AMOUNT 100,000 metric tons or more monthly. (Shipment 25.000 MT) 7.- TOTAL AMOUNT OF ANNUAL SUPPLY 1,200,000 metric tons per year, at a rate of 100,000 MT per month. The selling company is capable of supplying, through a firm, definitive and direct sale, the amount of one million two hundred thousand metric tons (1,200,000 MT) per year. In the event that the buying company decides to buy a smaller volume of the product, it could do so, from a minimum of four hundred thousand MT (400,000 MT), for its withdrawal within a period of four (4) months, from the date of the respective contract, because the company has a monthly supply capacity of 200,000 tm of said product
Aluminium slug Alloy:1070/6061 Temper:HO Thickness:0.5mm-6mm Width:1.8mm-40mm Diameter:10mm-500mm
Copper Slag
The Slag conditioner offered by us helps in adjusting Slag composition in a way that it interacts in a balanced way with steel, thus helping in maintaining proper equilibrium. Further, it also helps in absorbing inclusions as well as impurities and assists in producing a cleaner as well as better quality steel. Further, the use of the material also helps in lowering melting temperature of slag as well as increasing its fluidity, thus helping in maintaining proper as well as desired slag composition. We also have extensive industry experience in successfully matching up with the demands of Slag Conditioner Material. It features pure constitution and assists in ensuring that there is no harmful reversion of P, S, and unwanted oxides in the Steel making process.
Additives for concrete, cement, plastering mortar, reinforce weak ground, improve soil Benefits Reducing hydration, increasing waterproofing, increasing durability, reducing costs for concrete
Basicity (CaO + MgO + A12O3)/Si02 = 1.60 min Moisture content (%) = 10.0 Max Magnesium Oxide content (MgO) (%) = 10.0 Max Loss on Ignition (%) = 0.50 Max Size :< 5mm (%) = 90.0 Min Calcium Oxide (CaO) (%) = 36.0 Min Glass content (%) = 95.0 Min
Copper slag is a low cost expendable abrasive suited for open blast cleaning and due to its low silica content it does not pose the health hazards created by silica sand. Its sharp, hard particles can provide a fast cleaning action and an excellent surface profile. It is available in various sizes
Chemical AnalysisPhysical PropertiesElement /CompoundAnalysis Range (%)PropertyTypical Value0.60 - 0.70Cu: Bç»?æ??ack, glassyColour: Angular,FeO42-48Grain ShapemultifacetedSio226 - 30:6 -7 MohHardnessAP1.0 - 3.0Specific Gravity at 25�°C: 3.510.2 - 0.3sBulk Density at 25'C: 1.87 tonnes / m3Cao1.0 - 2.0:7.0PHMgo0.8 - 1.5Conductivity at 25'C: 2 mS/mFe041.0 - 2.0Weight raise on Ignition: 4%0.01 - 0.03CoMoisture Content: 2 Full Screen Mark/Fill Con.. Packed in regular bags
Silicomanganese Slag Felman Production generates a residual commercial by-product, silicomanganese slag, through the production of Ferro Silicomanganese (FeSiMn). The slag is an inert solid green material consisting primarily of aluminum, manganese, magnesium, silicon, and calcium oxides. Production The slag is generated during the production of ferro silicomanganese using electric arc furnaces. The molten slag is casted, cooled by spraying it with cold water, and then crushed to the desired size. Potential Uses Potential uses of the commercial by-product include re-melt/reproduction, industrial fill, road base, textiles manufacturing, etc. Chemical Composition Below please find the available metals totals for the chemicals that were detected as components of the slag material. The material is considered non-hazardous as shown by Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure testing conducted on the material. A qualified and licensed environmental laboratory is currently conducting a general assay of the material to determine the % w/w of the different chemical components. TCLP Testing of Slag Chemical Slag Leachate RCRA Hazardous Waste Limits mg/L mg/L Arsenic ND 5.0 Barium 0.85 100.0 Cadmium 0.0011 1.0 Chromium 0.02 5.0 Lead ND 5.0 Mercury ND 0.2 Selenium ND 1.0 Silver ND 5.0 Slag Available Metals Totals Chemical mg/kg Aluminum 88,900 Barium 5,590 Calcium 151,000 Iron 7,230 Magnesium 28,400 Manganese 85,000 Potassium 12,200J Physical Aspects of the Material The material is a hard solid stone that has irregular fracturing similar to chert or glass. The material is primarily green, gray, and black in color and is odorless. The bulk density of the material is approximately 635 +/- 100 kg/m3. Material Size: Generally, one-to-four-inch stone, but can be crushed and sized to the clients desired specifications.
Slag is a by-Product of smelting pyro metallurgical ores and used metals. Broadly it can be classified as ferrous (by-products of processing iron and steel), ferroalloy (by-product of ferroalloy production) or non-ferrous / base metals (by-products of recovering non-ferrous materials like copper, nickel, zinc and phosphorus).
There are two types of Ferro-nickel slags that we have as below. Both products are manufactured in Korea and waiting for your offers. Since details such as Incoterms, payment terms, price, volume are subject to further discussion, please contact me through mail first. 1) Ferro nickel slag (which is generated after refining at furnace) -. Contents : NiO : 4-6% / Sio2 : 20-25% / Cao : 25 -30% / MgO 2% / Fe: 17-22% / Al2O3 : 4-6% -. Application : Nickel source 2) Ferro nickel slag (which is manufactured during slag tapping) -. Contents : Sio2 : 50-55% / MgO : 30-35% / Fe : 6-7% / Al2O3 : 2% CaO : 0.5 / Mn : 0.3 -. Application : Sand-blasting, Molding sand, Abrasive, Aggregate etc.. I appreciate your efforts in advance. Best regards,
As the important metallurgical containers, the slag pot plays an important role in steelmaking production and steel slag processing. The slag pots in Tenfaye are cast steel slag pots, which are divided into 2.13m�³, 4m�³, 5m�³, 9m�³, 12m�³, 16m�³, 18m�³, 20m�³, 24m�³ and other types of slag pots. Slag pot weight: 5-75 tons. Common material of slag pot. A comprehensive data bank containing previous experiences combined with advanced software implementing the Finite Element Analysis serves custom engineered design optimization.� According to the requirements of the customer's drawings, appropriate wooden molds can be selected for modeling design. Huazhu CAE is used to simulate pouring before pouring. Strictly follow the wooden mold - modeling - smelting and pouring - insulation - sand removal from the pit - heat treatment - rough and fine processing - packaging and delivery process, integrated casting, strong deformation resistance, and casting high-quality slag pot.
Silicon Slag Silicon Metal Slagis a byproduct from the manufacture of silicon metal it is a kind of mixture which contains the main content Silicon 3565 and other components such as C S P Al etc It is a good substitute for FeSi in steel making which has advantage in lowing the cost of production and reusing resource Usually we use silicon slag to produce silicon briquette which is far and wide market in domestic and internationalour silicon metal is used by the chemical industry in the production of silicon compounds and by semiconductors Aluminum manufactures to improve the useful properties of aluminum as well as in the manufacture of silicon wafers used in photovoltaic solar cells and electronic
We supply and export FerroNickel Electrofurnance Slag. Our Slags are registered under REACH regulation. Conditions are FOB Durr�«s Port in Albany. Application: Sandblasting / High density submarine oil and gas pipe coating aggregate / Additional iron to clinker (Substituting the raw material in cement industries with our slag allows deduction of the ton of CO2 that plants would otherwise have accounted in their carbon balance) / Railway ballast / High strength concrete / Beach aggregate / Granular base for road construction. Most common ingredients: Ingredient and Content Classification (CLP) Silicon Dioxide 30 - 50% Iron 15 - 35% Magnesium Oxide 13 20% Aluminium Oxide 1 4% Chromium (III) Oxide 1.4 3% Nickel < 0.15% Sulfur 0.1% Calcium oxide 3 5%
SMS steel slag available 200000 MTS available in India.The following chemical analysis are as follows : Cr203%=5.06 FeO%=1.87 MnO%=4.15 SiO2%=29.35 CaO%=34.1 A1203%=11.52 MgO%=11.13.
We are the supplier of Processed Copper Slag. Cu - 0.60-0.70, Fe - 55-60, SiO - 26-30, AI 1.0 - 3.0, FeO 1.0 - 2.0, Angular, Sharp Edgues, Multi faced. Kindly send inquiry for more detail for product and price negotiation.
granulated blast furnace slag (a) Ca O: 30 to 38 % (b) Si O2:30to 40 % (c)Al 2O3:15 to22% (d)MgO:8 to11% (e) Fe O: 0.49% (f) MnO: 2% (g) Glass Content: 90% Max If u want more quantity i can supply frequently.
Various types of steel slag analysis are available in the amount of 15 million tons. Ready to ship to all ports around the world Send a message to request We are Homadis Tejarat Vahab Company