Specification will be present upon asked. 450g glass jar
Acacia honey has a very low sucrose content and a high fructose level, so it is the best choice for diabetics. It is known for its therapeutic qualities because it cleanses the liver, conditions the intestines, and is beneficial for the respiratory system due to antibacterial properties another benefit of honey.
HoneydewHoney, In contrast to most other honeys, Honeydew Honey is not a floral, honey. Instead it is the product of two insect types working to create a, delicious and unique honey. Small scale-insects inhabit our beech, forests and produce a sticky liquid which is collected by honeybees, foraging in remote native Black Beech forests in the South Island of, New Zealand., Honeydew Honey contains complex sugars called Oligosaccharides, which research shows may support and strengthen good intestinal, bacteria and digestive functions. These Oligosaccharides may be, especially beneficial to people suffering from colitis or those taking, antibiotics which are renowned for killing all the good bacteria in the, intestinal tract. Honeydew Honey also contains higher levels of, antioxidants comparedto other floral honeys., Nelson Honey’s Honeydew is dark in colour, with a similar taste to, golden syrup or treacle. This runny honey does not crystallise in cooler, temperatures and is delicious with plain yoghurt,
Flavours: a. Original b. Lime c. Ginger d. Holy Basil
Specification will be present upon asked. 450g glass jar
Specification will be present upon asked. 450g glass jar
Specification will be present upon asked. 450g glass jar
A study published in the March 2004 issue of the Journal of Food Science investigated the impact of processing and storage on the antioxidant capacity of clover honey and buckwheat honey. Processing appeared to have little effect on the antioxidant capacity of clover honey. By contrast, processed buckwheat honey was found to have 33% less antioxidant capacity compared with raw buckwheat honey. Furthermore, all tested honeys lost some of their antioxidant powers during storage.
It can be used as a substitute for sugar in many food and drinks. It contains about 69% glucose and fructose, enabling it to be used as a sweetener that is better for your overall health than normal white sugar.Though it has more calories than sugar when honey is consumed with warm water, it helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Similarly, honey with lemon juice or cinnamon help in reducing weight.
One of the most impressive benefits of Yemeni sidr honey is its ability to stave off heart disease and prevent heart attacks. It lowers bad cholesterol levels and clears the arteries, making it ideal both as a preventative measure against heart attacks and for use by those who have had one or more heart attacks in the past.It is believed that cancer of the bones and the stomach can be successfully cured with Yemeni sidr honey. This is especially likely when the healing benefits of Yemeni sidr honey are mixed with the potent, curative properties of cinnamon.
Pure Tualang Honey from Indonesia.
WEST COASTHONEY, Nelson Honey’s owner Philip calls our West Coast Honey a, ‘Fruit Bowl of Honeys’ and with that he’s referring to the, wide range of native floral sources that make up our West, Coast Honey., Our bee hives are positioned in the pristine wilderness that, is the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Our bees, feed in these forests and bring you one of the purest, honeys you will find anywhere in the world. With diverse, native floral sources like Rata and Kamahi, it really is a Fruit, Bowl of Honeys!, Our West Coast Honey is mild flavoured, lightly coloured, and a popular choice for children and adults alike. Great on, toast, added to a glass of hot water, in baking or just by the, spoonful!
Anaya Trigona honey is truly unlike any other honey. It is harvested only in limited quantities each year from tiny stingless bees (Trigona Biroi) that collect nectar from a wide variety of plants and herbs. Our Trigona honey is raw, unheated and contains a high level of pollen and propolis to make this the most healing natural food, and giving it its unique sweet-sour flavour and fluid texture. Our current harvest, is from fruit farms - lending our honey perfume notes of lychee, pineapple, mango and tamarind. Our honey is extracted without heat or harming any stingless bees, and is raw. Benefits - Low in sugar only 18% compared to Manuka's 80% - Tested to be as effective as Manuka UMF 25+ - Kills 83% of bad bacteria - Our 100% pure honey is free from pesticides, preservatives and additives. Great for the whole family, including those on low sugar diets, or want to reduce sugar intake.
Pure Honey from Thailand. Unfiltered and unblended Contact for anymore enquiries Company located in Singapore.
Product description Nelson honey’s bee pollen is collected by honey bees in new zealand and contains Vitamins,minerals, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Bee pollen is often called the only ‘perfectly complete food’ as it contains nearly all Nutrients that humans need. It may also be especially beneficial for the extra nutritional and energy needs of athletes And those recovering from illness. Bee pollen can also act as a natural antidote for Fighting allergies, particularlyhayfever and sinusitis. Research shows that pollen counteracts the signs of aging and increases bothmental and Physical capabilities. The bee pollen used in our capsules are pellets harvested from bees and generally sweet In taste. This means they’re a mix of the powdery pollen you will find on flowers and Nectar or honey tomake it stick together. Pollen from different flowers can have distinctly different colours and that’s why you will Find colour variations between pellets, from yellow to green, red, orange and even Purple. Warning May cause severe allergic reaction. Allergy sufferers should seek medical advice before Use and trial lower dosage before increasing intake. Use - capsules Adults may begin with 1 capsule per day and increase dosage as required. Adults can Take up to 6 capsules per day. Use - granules Adults may take 1-2 teaspoons daily with food, ideal for sprinkling on cereal or porridge Or adding to your daily smoothie! Available in in 125 capsules / 250 capsules and 250ggranules
Unfiltered and unblended Sweeter with mild floral taste Country of origin: Thailand MOQ: Negotiable Packaging size: 500g and 1Kg plastic bottles Let us know the followings to quote you final price 1- What is your company name and contact detail. 2- What is your required quantity. 3- What is the port of discharge. Please send us your requirement in detail on the following mail.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Healthy mobile joints are important to keep fit and active. Nectar Ease Plus is a dietary supplement that combines three natural ingredients designed to put a spring in your step naturally. Glucosamine Sulphate is an essential part of our body’s joint cartilage and may assist inmaintaining healthy and flexible joints. It also enhances the established benefits of Nectar Ease. WARNING People who suffer from allergies, particularly bee allergies should always seek medical advice prior touse. Reduce dosage or discontinue use if side effects develop. USE It’s important to know that one teaspoon of Nectar Ease contains less that one bee sting. However, we recommend to begin taking ¼ teaspoon per day and gradually increase dosage to 1-2 teaspoons per day as needed. Please note no bees are harmed in the process of bee venomcollection.
Manuka Honey 30+, 100+, 150+, 200+, 300+, 30+ - 250g, 500g, 1kg, Our 30+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the level, of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 30 and can, range between 30-99. We class this as our lowest grade of Manuka, honey., 100+ - 250g, 500g, Our 100+ Manuka honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 100 and, can range between 100-149. This range features as our mid-range, of Manuka honey.,, 150+ - 250g, 500g, Our 150+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 150, and can range between 150-199. This features as a high grade of, Manuka honey., 200+ - 250g, 500g,, Our 200+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 200, and can range between 200-299. This features as a premium, grade of Manuka honey., 300+ - 250g, 500g, Our 300+ Manuka Honey guarantees to our customers that the, level of Methylglyoxal is the equivalent if not greater than 300., This grade can begin at 300 and can be much higher depending, on the area the honey is sourced. This features as our premium,
Nelson Honey’s Manuka Honey with added, Propolis combines the antibacterial properties of, Manuka Honey with the antioxidant properties, that Propolis is famous for., BUTWHAT IS PROPOLIS, Bees make Propolis to seal cracks and repair other, hive damage. The resinous nature of Propolis also, makes it ideal for preventing putrefaction within, the hive, e.g. small mice or lizards that might die in, the hive can be sealed in in Propolis., Research showed that by adding Propolis to honey,, total phenolics, flavonoids, ABTS free radical and, hydroxyl radicals scavenging and antiinflammatoryactivities, increased., Antimicrobial activity of honey and Propolis, products showed synergic effects, resulting in, higher results than those of the base honeys and, Propolis extracts. Therefore, honeys enriched with, small amounts of Propolis extracts are promising,
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, Healthy mobile joints are important to keep fit and active. Nectar Ease contains our hero blend, of Manuka Honey & Bee Venomand is designed to put a spring in your step naturally., WARNING, People who suffer from allergies, particularly bee allergies should always seek medical advice, prior to use. Reduce dosage or discontinue use if side effects develop., USE, It’s important to know that one teaspoon of Nectar Ease contains less that one bee sting., However, we recommend to begin taking ¼ teaspoon per day and gradually increase dosage to, 1-2 teaspoons per day as needed.