Since the fabric is handwoven the with of the fabric is not more than 45 inches (115 cm)small veration in the the texture and colour of the fabric is due to the entirly hand made nature of the product
The order should not be less than 50 meters due to the technical difficulties
Silk, silk and wool, and wool carpets, rugs
Our silk carpets are hand made with wanderfull persian design with natural colors. Carpets are mostly of slik, silk and wool and wool 100%, our product directly compete with the persian carpets designs and material, but we give cheaper price than persian manufacturers offer.
Raw silk
dimont-the silk of nnling ok silkworm
Most of gint silkworms re precious silk insects. Their ovl cocoons re emerld, light green or golden-yellow. Grown in chin south mountins nnling, nnling ok silkworm (nos) with its big size cocoon, rich eggs nd strong nti-disese bility becomes unique one mong ll the species of gint silkworms.
Owning nturl beutiful colors nd luster, costly economic vlue, the grceful nos+ silk is glorious dimond mong the nturl colored silk. The silk is bout 600 meters long, 5-6 dtex. Its tentensile strength nd elongtion is mulberry silk 2.5 times nd 1.5 times respectively. fter being reeled from cocoons, the silk cn keep its nturl green. The fbric is soft, no fold, non-ironing with jewel luster, .
Its monofilment section is irregulr flt. Its minimum flt degree is less thn 12.5% while tht of the mulberry silk is bout 60%. This is the min reson why the silk hs unique luster. Thnks to bigger chinks nd holes in it thn in tussh silk fibre, the silk fibre hs good bility of sucking nd drining swets. The fibres gther loosely with good flexibility, nd re superior in cidproof nd lklinproof to the mulberry silk. The silk cn be mde into grceful, luxurious nd comfortble super cloths. nd, compounding it with other silk, colored cotton nd other nturl fibres, we cn mke vrious kinds of top-grde clothing, noble ornments nd hndicrft, such s weving photo by modern digitl technology.
The costliness of the silk is not only becuse of its unique physicl property, but lso becuse of its different content of element nd proportion from other silk.