greetings, are you interested in the latest agricultural mechanization, it also works with the latest disc harrow, which I designed myself and it works perfectly, I received some praise from Dubai and Australia that it is unique on the market, I would sell it as my idea because there is currently no such model on any market the first disc harrow for unplowed land that achieves an incredible effect, the model is MT Gucin -28, you can find it on you tube in operation, otherwise with a 460mm disc, it achieves a depth of 23cm without problems on plowed land, a huge saving for farmers and labor savings if you are interested or know anyone interested please let me know thanks
The OMRON M3 Blood Pressure Monitor delivers the accuracy and reliability that you expect from OMRON blood pressure monitors, with additional advanced features to give you confidence in the quality and consistency of the results. It is also designed to give you a reading that is easy to interpret. The Easy High Blood Pressure LED indicator signals if your blood pressure is higher than the normal range.
Omron Blood Pressure Monitor M3 (HEM-7154-E)
Easy Cuff (22-42 cm)
Battery Set (4xAA - LR06)
2 Instruction Manuals
Storage Case