If any one need frozen chicken and parts in bulk quantity plz contact us. We can provide only in saudi arabia region . Plz only who need bulk quantity only contact
1. Feet has been examined by a veterinarian inspector.
2. Feet are clean, white skin, no broken bones, outer skin yellow is off, well cleaned and fresh
no bruises, no black pads or ammonia burns, no bad smell, no excessive blood or blood stains
no excess water.
3. It is free from hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, coloring materials, flavoring and
Tenderizing agents.
4. Feet is fit for consumption and has been removed immediately after slaughter and was
prepared and thoroughly washed and chilled by cold water.
5. Stored and maintained in -18 degrees Celsius.
If you have any other requirements, please let us know for our immediate compliance and the potential long term nature of this request, we would be delighted and further discuss for the best offer that you are acquiring in the market.
Payment Type: CAD
1st payment: 60%
2nd payment: 40%