.Mobile phones
Air-cond units from window unit, split type A/C, air-cooled package unit, water-cooled package units and chillers.Necessary service and maintenance required for air-conditioner and chillers
.CNG industry and providing the services for setting up complete CNG stations
.Condition assessment of steam turbines/generator parts (westingouse, ge and others), High and low speed balancing, turbine repair
.Nokia care
.Paint shop maintenace products, lint-free wipes, tak rag cloth
.Nh3, ox, ac, r22, r12, manteniance paints, food etc
Steam turbines, gas generators, electrical control panels, alternators, reduction gear box & miscellenous material handling equipments and speciality bearings.Critical repairs & spares for all make steam turbines / Alternators
.Elevator service
Oil field.Oil field services
.Maintenats contract with company
.Solutions and services for cisco voip products
.Mobile phone parts, software all other thing
.Maintenance of central air-conditioning refrigeration system
.Repairs acme-gridley screw machines
Tuning forks, chackra set, om fork, sharp set, harmonic set, metal forks, scientific forks, medical forks, spring balance, puch pull dyanmo meter, acrylic spring balance, baby weighing scale, adult weighing scale with height measuring, tubular spring balance, dial type spring balance, resonance app, resonance box, magnets, bar magnets, hore shoe magnets.Maintains and recondition spring balances
.Repair & mainteance
.Weighing scales maintenance
.Consultants for renewable energy, ecotourism and sustainable development projects
Passbook printer, spareparts.Repairs of passbookprinter