1) Jute Twine/ Yarn: any of the count (6lbs to 96 lbs with any of the ply); of different qualities such as CRX, CRT, CRP, CRM, CB, Hessian & Sacking.
2) Jute Bag: any of the qualities and durability- Heavy Chest, Light Chest, A. Twill, B.Twill, Binola, Cut-Binola, Hessian Bag, Potato Bag, Sand Bag, Coffee Bag, and any other types of Bags.
3) Jute Rope: Different type of jute rope, like 8mm to 72mm
4) Raw Jute: BTC, BTD, BTE, BTR, BTCA & BTCB.
5) Jute Cloth/ Jute Fabric, Jute Tape, Jute Sliver, Sacking Jute Cloth Role, etc
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Jute Sacks Bags:
This is Leema Rose from India. We are ready to supply your requirements with best quality at an affordable price.
1. We are providing multi capacity kgs bags and also providing bigger size 50kgs and 100kgs loading capacity
2. We are providing customized loading capacity bags for example (for construction sand jumbo bags)
3. Product of Origin is INDIA