Our Rambutans are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Rambutan Fruits are commonly eaten out of hand. They are sold fresh or canned. Rambutans are used for fruit salads and in the preparation of jams and jellies or preserves but are also used as an ingredient in savory dishes, especially in Southeast Asia. The seeds contain up to 40% fat, which is extracted and used in making soap and for industrial purposes. Rambutan flowers are an excellent source of pollen for honey bees.
Okra crops are grown in the fertile lands of Guatemala and shipped to our customers safely with all the freshness and flavor of our land. Guatemala has it all! Okra is an annual herbaceous plant with partly woody stems, 1.5â??2 m (5â??7 ft) tall. Okra is a vegetable low in calories but a good source of vitamin C, provitamin A, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The high content of mucilaginous sap makes the fruit ideal for people with stomach ailments.e seeds contain a greenish-yellow oil high in unsaturated fats.The high quality oil, called ambretta, is used in the food and perfume industry and as a therapeutic oil. In times when coffee wasn't readily available, the seeds were roasted, ground, and used as a coffee substitute.