Tomato is well known for its taste. It contains proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins which help in reducing the risk of cancer. Grapes are an excellent source of potassium and antioxidants. They are also high in the content of vitamins and minerals. The therapeutic value of grapes is closely linked with its richness in pure glucose. Studies have indicated that the production of energy essential for the proper functioning of the heart and organs of high physiological importance depends on the metabolism of glucose. Grapes, therefore, have a restorative effect by virtue of their easy assimilation. They are thus highly valuable in case of weak digestion, general debility and fever. Tomato T.S.S (Brix) Min- 28 Acidity (%C/A) Min- 0.4 Composition per 100 gm Edible Portion (%)- 74.00 Moisture (gm)- 81.00 Protein (gm)- 00.60 Fat(gm)- 00.60 Minerals (gm)- 00.40 Fibre (gm)- 00.30 Carbohydrates (gm)- 16.90 Energy ( 74.00 Calcim (mg)- 16.00 Phosphorus (mg)- 18.00 Iron(mg)- NA Vitamin c (mg)- 20.00 Vitamin B (mg)- 01.07
Garlic and ginger paste.
garlic paste, ginger paste and garlic ginger paste.
Garlic and ginger paste.
Garlic and ginger paste.
Lime Powder.
Onion paste.
Tahini paste.
Ginger garlic paste .
Peeled garlic packed with nitrogen.
Potato Flakes.
Garlic and ginger paste.
Sweet Potatoes Paste.
Peanut butter, garlic paste, ginger paste.
Processed Vegetables.
Garlic and ginger paste .
Concentrated ox bile (Bile Paste).
Fried onion.
Tomato paste.