100% handmade maded by string product of wood beads, Ladies Bags, body bag, hand bags, shoulder bags, basket bags, poutches, wallets. unique and clasic, it can be for personal, casual, party, gift, and for business.
Our stylish and unique fashion handbags are made of very fine natural Buntal fibers which can only be found in some Philippine provinces. The material is 100% hand-woven, with synthetic or leather trimmings and some wooden handbag handles. The painstaking process of weaving these natural fibers to produce each intricate handbag design makes it different from those machine sewn handbags, thereby creating a distinctly superb character of its own. The unique & environment-friendly materials, the extra-ordinary elegance and world-class quality of our products make them stand out in the global market.
Our handbags come in many different shapes, designs, sizes and colors. You can also mix and match the colors and designs. We can also manufacture your own designs.
12 pcs. per box of 20x14x23(inches)not more than 10kilos each box. each bag is packed in polybags wrapped in kraftpaper.
Lyn xs: l-10 x w-2 x h-7 $5
Lyn small: l-5 x w-5 x h-8 $7.5
Lyn medium: l-10 x w-6 x h-7 $10
Lyn large: l-16 x w-5 x h-6 $12
Lyn xl: l-12 x w-4 x h-11 $15