CIENTIFIC NAME: (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) - One of the oldest aromatic species for domestic use. Ginger was brought to Peru at the end of the XVIII century, from China. - Now the world knows it and enjoys his abundant concentration of vitamins. Properties: Ginger is marketed internationally as fresh, juice, and dehydrated in different presentations.
Applications: In meals, as a flavoring. For the extraction of your oleoresin and essential oil. For stomach ache, dyspepsia, flatulence. It contains compounds similar to digestive enzymes that help digestion of protein-rich foods - Nausea, vomiting, dizziness - Loss of appetite, anemia - arthritis - Cold, cough, influenza, fever It is also used to promote the flow of bile, as an antioxidant and as an anticoagulant and to reduce cholesterol. Location: Ginger thrives normally in tropical and subtropical climates, whose range of temperature ranges from 18 to 32 Ã?° C, resulting in the most favorable between 22 and 28 Ã?°c. Ginger production in the country is mainly centralized in the department of JunÂn, which presents the best ecological conditions for this kind of crop. This area includes the following districts:1) Chanchamayo (1rst Place) 2) San Ramn 3) La Merced 4) Moyobamba 5) Satipo 6) RÃ?o Negro 7) Caviliari 8) Pampa Hermoza 9) Mazamari
By Aseptic Peruvian Fruit S.A
Table N�° 1: Peruvian Ginger�´s exports ** (HS Code 0910.10.00.00), to 2019 PRODUCT GINGER HS CODE: 910110000 FOB $
50,864,541.96 2018 42,992,226.00
54,034,081.00 Total 147,890,848.96
Source: Veritrade
Table N�° 2: World Ginger�´s exports ** (HS Code 0910.10.00.00), to 2019 PRODUCT GINGER HS CODE: 910110000 FOB $
541,184,000.00 Netherlands 118,770,000.00
54,803,000.00 Peru 54,034,081.00
754,937,000.00 Source: Trademap
The Pungency level of this product is really important because we use less product in a recipe, making a more intense flavor with less quantity, this was proved by Andre Zianim director of Aiden Produce Inc, Peruvian ginger can�´t compete with Chinese in prices, but in quality es really superior.
Limn Tahit
SCIENTIFIC NAME Citrus latifolia
Partida Descripcin
DESCRIPTION The fruit is dark green, oval, or short-elliptical, generally rounded at the base.
PRODUCTION AREAS Amazonas, Ancash, ApurÂmac, Arequipa, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco,
Huancavelica, Hunuco, JunÂn, Ica, La Libertad, Lambayeque , Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios,
Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, San Martin, Tumbes, Ucayali
SOURCE Sudeste de Asia
USES Y APLICATIONS The juice of the fruit and the powder of the dried fruit have wide medicinal use. It is
used to treat respiratory, gastrointestinal, anthelmintic conditions. It is also attributed
to antiseptic uses.
Mercado %Var 13-12 %Part. 13 FOB-13
Chile 45% 51% 578.79
Reino Unido -10% 26% 296.35
Estados Unidos 706% 12% 139.22
PaÂses Bajos 41% 7% 79.68
Panam -- 3% 39.16