Kalonji Oil: Known as blackseed oil, it is extracted from the seeds. Loaded with thymoquinone, a compound with anti-oxidant properties, this amber-coloured oil is used in cooking, body massages and in various beauty treatments. Where is Kalonji oil used? In the Kitchen. The seeds from N. sativa go by the names black seeds, black cumin, black caraway, and kalonji. You can use them or their oil like cumin or oregano to spice curry dishes, pickles, and bread.
Macadamia oil is a clear, light-yellow liquid that comes from pressed macadamia nuts. It is a healthful oil that people use for cooking, and there may also be health benefits of using pure oil to moisturize the skin and condition the hair. Macadamia nuts grow on macadamia trees, which are native to Australia.
Phellandrenes are a pair of organic compounds that have a similar molecular structure and similar chemical properties. I±-Phellandrene and �²-phellandrene are cyclic monoterpenes and are double-bond isomers. In I±-phellandrene, both double bonds are endocyclic and in I-phellandrene, one of them is exocyclic. Appearance: Colorless oil (I± and I) EC Number: (I±): 202-792-5; (I): 209-081-9; ...
Citral is an acyclic monoterpene aldehyde, and being a monoterpene, it is made of two isoprene units. Citral is a collective term which covers two geometric isomers that have their own separate names; the E-isomer is named Geranial (trans-Citral) or Citral A. The Z-isomer is named Neral (cis-Citral) or Citral B.