Moringa oil is high in protein and oleic acid, a monounsaturated, healthy fat. When used for cooking, it's an economical, nutritious alternative to more expensive oils. It's becoming a widespread nutritional staple in food-insecure areas where moringa trees are grown. Topical cleanser and moisturizer.
Ridge Gourd is a dark green, tapering and ridged vegetable. In contrast to its dark green exterior ridge gourd has white spongy pulp inside in white are embedded white seeds. Commonly referred to as Turai in Hindi, Ridge gourd also known as Luffa acutangula, turiya, beerakai, dodka Sponge gourd or Chinese Okra.
Pumpkin seed oil, also called pepita oil, is the oil extracted from the seeds of a pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). The rust-colored oil is used in cooking and as a health supplement. Pumpkin seed oil contains fatty acids and phytosterols (a plant compound that interferes with cholesterol absorption in the intestine).
Gurjun Balsam essential oil produced by steam distillation of resin gum from the Dipterocarpus turbinatus tree in Indonesia is prized in natural perfumery as an inexpensive fixative. Gurjun Balsam has the ability to round out rough edges and bring aromatic notes together in a seamless cohesive manner.
Terpinolene is a p-menthadiene with double bonds at positions 1 and 4(8). It has a role as a sedative, an insect repellent, a plant metabolite and a volatile oil component. ChEBI. Terpinolene is a natural product found in Xylopia aromatica, Eupatorium cannabinum, and other organisms with data available.
Cumin Seed Oleoresin Ask for Price Botanical Name : Cuminum Cyminum CAS # : 68650-46-4 Appearance : Dark brown colored free flowing liquid Solubility : Soluble in water, insoluble in oil Flavor : Powerful, green spicy, but not sharp odor with characteristic cumin taste Extraction Method : Obtained by solvent extraction of dried seeds Major Constituents : Volatile oil, cuminic, cymene, dipentene, limonene Description : The completely natural product is obtained by solvent extraction of ground roasted seeds of Cuminum cyminum. It is extremely powerful, green spicy, but not sharp, more of a soft and mellow scent. This oil is wonderful for digestive disorders, and colic too. It is good for exhaustion and works well in blends for that purpose. Specification : Volatile Oil Content : Min 30% Residual solvent : Below 25 ppm Blends Offered : The above quality is our standard specification. In addition to this customized blends are also offered to meet specific requirements. Shelf Life : 24 months from the date of manufacture when stored below 25oC in closed containers away from direct light and not under humid conditions. Uses : The oleoresins can be used as an anti-oxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, carminative, depurative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, larvicidal, nervine, stimulant and as a tonic. Cumin essential oil is also useful as a warming oil that helps relieve muscular pains and osteoarthritis. For the digestive system it is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion. For the nervous system, Cumin essential oil is a tonic with beneficial effect on headaches, migraine pain and nervous exhaustion.
we supply the quality Green Chilli (3.3 % Capsaicin) Oleoresin to people looking for pure and organic product. This is 100% pure and safe to use as it is free from chemical compounds. Botany Green Chilli plant grows to a height of 3ft that belongs to the Solanaceae of the plant kingdom. It bears small flowers and hasa long fruit that are known as chillies or pods. Fresh dried green chillies are used for the extraction of oleoresins that appears green in color. The liquid thus, obtained is liquid at room temperature. Green Chilli Oleoresin (3.3 % capsaicin) is a sharp liquid that has a refreshing aroma which is similar to the aroma of capsicum. Benefits of Green Chilli (3.3 % Capsaicin) Oleoresins â?¢ Green Chilli (3.3 % Capsaicin) Oleoresins can be used to add complexity to beverage flavours. â?¢ It can be used in confectioneries where it imparts major role. â?¢ These oleoresins can be used in pickles, seafood, canned food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. â?¢ Oleoresin obtained from green chilli is used to treat headache, mouth sores, joint problems, etc. Precautionary Measures! â?¢ If you are allergic to green chilli, avoid using Green Chilli (3.3 % Capsaicin) Oleoresins as it might cause unwanted reactions on its use. â?¢ Nursing mother should seek medical advice before using this oleoresin.
What is fennel oil? Fennel oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dried fruits of Foeniculum vulgare. The oil is pale yellow to brownish-yellow in colour. The product has a characteristic sweet, green, earthy, spicy note. Anethole and fenchone are major components in Fennel oil Fennel oil is a remedy for digestive complaints such as flatulence, constipation, colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia and hiccups. It is also used in cases of obesity, as it promotes that 'full feeling' and has a diuretic effect that helps to disperse cellulite
Ginger oleoresin is characterized by pungency that is attributed to gingerol. It is very frequently adulterated with capsicum and grains of paradise, both of which are added to give increased pungency. Turmeric is also usually added to restore the colour. Ginger Oleoresin is obtained by the solvent extraction of ground-dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe. The product has the characteristic refreshing aroma of ginger. When evaluated in dilution, it has a pungent,biting sensation. It is a free-flowing, homogeneous, dark brown liquid.
This oleoresin is obtained by solvent extraction of the fennel seeds with the subsequent removal of the solvent. The extracts of fennel has anti-toxic properties and finds most valuable application in counterbalancing alcoholic poisoning. It has played an important part in the treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics. The dark brown liquid has the characteristic odour and flavour of Sweet Fennel.
Product description Rosemary Oleoresin, also known as Rosemary Oil Extract or ROE is an oil soluble, natural extract of the leaves of the rosemary plant used to retard rancidity in natural oils. Its potent antioxidant properties are attributed in large part to carnosic acid, one of its major constituents. Recommended Uses For Product: Antioxidant Age Range (Description): Adult,Kid