Paper shopping bags, brown paper bags, grocery bags, paper bread bags and other light duty bags have a single layer of paper. A variety of constructions and designs are available. Many are printed with the names of stores and brands. Paper bags are not waterproof. Types of paper bag are: laminated, twisted, flat tap. The laminated bag, whilst not totally waterproof, has a laminate that protects the outside to some degree.
Standard brown paper bags are made from kraft paper. Tote-style paper bags, such as those often used by department stores or as gift bags, can be made from any kind of paper, and come in any color. Paper bags can be made from recycled paper, with some local laws requiring bags to have a minimum percentage of post-consumer recycled content.
High gloss and outstanding clarity, Available in a wide range of transparent, and opaque colours, High quality printability, Outstanding thermoforming properties, Excellent heat-sealing properties, Cost effective blister packing solution, Amorphous in nature, Best for stable molecules
High gloss and outstanding clarity, Available in a wide range of transparent, and opaque colours, High quality printability, Outstanding thermoforming properties, Excellent heat-sealing properties, Cost effective blister packing solution, Amorphous in nature, Best for stable molecules
Flat Satchel in 50-60 gsm white / brown kraft paper
Grease proof & food grade paper quality
Available in both generic & customised types.
Bags are suitable for carrying food, candies, confectioneries etc.
Paper carry bags in 200 gsm coated art card
4 colour printed
with matte / gloss laminate finish
with soft cords / ribbons for handles
size - 40 x 30 x 12 cms