Our biology dissecting tools set contains a large assortment of tools to perform a greater variety and more complete of dissections. It is ideal for senior high and advanced biology. The tools are all high-quality stainless steel. This set is a great value for the number and quality of tools provided.
An otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum. Because the eardrum is the border separating the external ear canal from the middle ear, its characteristics can be indicative of various diseases of the middle ear space. The presence of cerumen (ear wax), shed skin, pus, canal skin edema, foreign body, and various ear diseases can obscure any view of the eardrum and thus severely compromise the value of otoscopy done with a common otoscope.
Description: Lower jaw, left side root elevator, spiral-shaped, for Extremely facilitated extraction of the molars in the lower Jaw.The slender, conical points allow deep penetrationBetween tooth and gum,owing to the hook-shaped working Parts, slipping of the elevator is avoided.
Description: Lower jaw, right side Root elevator, spiral-shaped, for extremely facilitated extraction of the molars in the lower jaw.The slender, conical points allow deep penetration between tooth and gum,Owing to the hook-shaped working parts, slipping of the elevator is avoided.
Adjustable head can be oriented in two directions.
Stainless steel body.
Prices are subject to change.
Actual price upon request/contact of buyer.
visit www.farukhsurgical.com for surgical instruments range.
Standard Packing:- single piece plastic zip bag/cardboard made show box.
Grave Speculum consists of two blades. It has wide arched blades that curve markedly and come in a range of sizes. When using the Graves speculum the handle faces downward.