Thermoplastic road marking paint, also called hot melt marking paint, is a kind of powder paint that when heated to 170 -180 C, can be used as a road marking. The paint has a thick coating, wear-resistant, bright and reflective. Product Catalog 1. ASTHO 98 2. ASTHO 79 3. ASTHO 77 4. ASTHO 12
Texture Paints..
Painting Hand Made Products..
Spray paint (silver).
Aerosols in garment factory.
Canvas Painting..
Spray Tanki..
Primer Paint .
Soft Enamel Pins..
Aerosol spray paint.
Spray Paint Booth..
Spray Paint. .
Spray Paint .
Spray paint.
Primer Paint .
VR Coatings Spray Equipments. .