Locker for personal use it is available in one door two door three door four door and six door.
Although the usage of Bitumen refers to the ancient time and millenniums before BC for excellent adhesive and waterproofing, still, it has a significant impact in modern lives, construction, surfacing airfield runways, taxi tracks, waterproofing, rolling roads and highways. Today the world's demand for Bitumen accounts for more than 100 million tons per year, which is approximately 700 million barrels of Bitumen consumed annually. Applying experience gained in the industry, our highly qualified staff are backing Arij's mission to provide their customers with goods manufactured to the highest standards of Bitumen. We have established long-lasting and close partnerships with manufacturers and refiners from the gulf regions which brings us valuable complements of supplying all types and grades of Bitumen such as Penetration Grade Bitumen (Asphalt), Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen, Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen as well as other special types such as Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB), Bitumen Emulsion (Asphalt), Oxidized Bitumen (Blown Asphalt) and Cutback Bitumen, in any kinds of packages based on customers' requirements
Construction material, minning material, food staff products.
E-man - school management system û a fully automated software for schools , educational organisations. (in vb , ms access) Features : some of the features of this product are , Accounts Student profile (attendence , mark entry, student performance, etc..) Staff profile Class Fees Hostel management Time-table management
Construction Machinery - Power Trowels - Plate Compactors - Concrete Vibrators - Concrete Mixers - Surface Finish screeds - Bar bending machines & Bar Cutters - Levels & Levelling staffs - Electronic theodolite - Lasers & Laser accessories