Omani Frankincense Soap contains natural collagen and many other substances that contribute to the renewal of skin cells and lighten its color.
Exfoliation of dead skin cells, which helps to whiten and lighten them.
It treats the skin from the tanning caused by direct sunlight.
Evens skin tone and firmness.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Frankincense Oil, Frankincense Powder, Vitamin E
The original Omani. ambassador mixed in the Lavender's oil and helps to treat the solar radiation burns and works to clean the skin of the impurities, fight the bacteria as well granted the skin flimed
Authentic Omani. frankincense soap mixed with grape seed, which contains many anti- oxidants that keep the skin youth and prevent the appearance of signs of
.aging on it
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with honey, which works to give the
skin softness and freshness and helps to treat pimples and facial impurities and gives the skin radiance and beauty
Authentic Omani frankincense. soap mixed with rose water, which has soothing properties for the skin and for all types of infections, including eczema, rosacea and dermatosis. It also reduces skin irritation and redness, supports the skin with strong antioxidants, and prevents the appearance of .signs of aging
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with clay extracts, which prevents blackheads from appearing and treats spots. It also brightens the skin .and increases its radiance
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with sulfur extracts, which gives the skin a high degree of hydration, exfoliates dead skin cells and removes freckles from the face
.effectively and permanently
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with seaweed extracts that contribute to getting rid of acne due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which is a
major cause of acne. The use of marine algae on the face improves the blood circulation of the body due to its vitamin C content, which increases the oxygen infusion to the skin and thus is done . Rejuvenates skin cells and increases their youthfulness
Omani frankincense soap mixed with laurel oil rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants important to the skin. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti- microbial benefits. So it is ideal if what you want is to maintain good skin cleanliness and avoid the effect of free radicals that lead to .aging and skin damage
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with goat's milk, which has an important role in relieving dermatitis, as it contains anti inflammatory properties. Also, it
is very suitable for those with sensitive skin who are more likely to suffer from infections. It also contributes to the treatment of skin infections such .as eczema, psoriasis and other
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with apricot extracts, which is used to
treat eczema and various skin infections, also has a role in reducing irritation in the
inflamed areas and works to get rid of wrinkles that appear around the eyes, and eliminate dark circles, because it contains a large percentage of minerals, vitamins and acids useful for .cleaning skin
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with thyme, which helps to open the
pores of the skin and nourish them in a healthy and healthy way. It also preserves youthful skin by tightening wrinkles and protects it from black blisters and protects the skin from .drying out
Omani frankincense soap mixed with cinnamon, which helps to increase the level of collagen in the skin, which protects the skin from wrinkles and fine marks, as it
contains cinnamaldehyde. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help cleanse wounds and contain antibacterials and fungi, which .help kill bacteria
Omani frankincense soap. . mixed with mint, which is suitable for all dry and oily skin
types and increases the health and purity of the skin, as it soothes and cools it, reduces
its irritation, and reduces redness of the skin.
Authentic Omani frankincense soap mixed with nigella and carnation that treats skin infections caused by fungi in the nails and skin and gives freshness to the skin and renews cells and gets rid of wrinkles
Omani frankincense soap that exfoliates and renews dead skin cells, helping to
whiten and whiten them. It treats skin from darkening caused by direct
exposure to sunlight.