Thermoplastic road marking paint.
Indian garnet, abrasives, blasting & painting machinery, welding electrodes, Indian Garnet 30-60, Garnet 20-40, Garnet Mesh -80 for Water Jet Machine, Steel Grit & Steel Shot, Copper Slag Grit, Aluminium Oxide, Glass Beads, Cement Fiber Board, Wire Nail for Construction use, flux cored mig wires, Green Shade net, MS Welding Rods ( PDO Approved ), SS Welding Rods, Cutting & Grinding Wheel, Fork Lifts, Power Tools, Blasting Pot and its consumables, Customized Blasting Booth, Graco-70:1 & 60:1 Painting Machine, Blasting & Painting Accessories, Welding Machines Big-Small, Industrial Air cooler, Industrial Air Compressor.Service and repairing of all types of industrial machinery
Sterile loops 10microlitre, test tube 1375MM, polystyrene, 5ML, centrifuge test tube, polystyrene, 10ml, glass test tube 1275MM, borosilicate, 5ml, microscopic slides plain cut edges, microscopic slides twin frosted ground edges, plain container 4ML with AP & label, plain container 5ML screw cap with label, sterile swabs in tube 12150mm, sterile swabs with transport media 12150mm, Pasteur pipette graduated 1ml, urine container 30ML with label, stool container 60ML with spoon & label, s malaria pv, pf card test, sd pregnancy card urine, serum, abon hpylori card test, EDTA container 25ML, litium heparin container 4ML, esrdisposible set, blood grouping sera anti -A, B, D set, RPR kit, tpha kit, widal kit, slekit, brucella abortus antigen, brucella melitenis antigen, coombs sera, infectious mononucleosis kit.
Bathroom ware, cleaning storage, plastic furniture. plastic customize industrial items, plastic kitchenware, packing containers, plastic casserole .basin, basket, bowl, bucket, caps, casserole, chair, corner stand, crates, dates box, dish rack & tray, drawer, drums, duct, dust pan, fly swat, food container, food cover, funnel, handle, hanger, insect trap, jug , plate & glass, laundry basket, lid, micro wave food container, mop, mug
non usable, opti container pallets, pedal bin, pill box, planter, potty, pp ring, shelf, shoe rack, ratan plastic sofa, spoon, stool, storage box, swing bin, table, tray
trolly, tub, waste bin, waste paper basket, wheel bin etc.