Taro [also known as Dalo] is grown all year round in Fiji and is a stable food crop to majority of Fiji's population. It is a crop that is grown mechanically and traditionally and contains large amount of Vitamin A, /Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin C. Taro is a crop planted by most families and is a source of income to most rural farmers. Taro is exported to New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other Pacific Islands.
Agricultural Marketing Authority sources it supply from the two main islands in Fiji and is touching the very untouchable areas that do not access to any market. To assist our rural farmers, AMA has a policy to pick, weighed and pay at farm gate before it is transported to the Warehouse. It is peeled, washed and is stored in blast freezers with temperatures of minus 21 degrees for 24 hours before it is packed for overseas and for our local markets
Wintergreen has been used for centuries as a fore runner of the oral hygiene. Long before its subtle actions were understood, users noticed improvements to bad breath and unhealthy gums by chewing on wintergreen leaves . Its antiseptic properties work deeply into the mouth and gums significantly reducing the bacteria that cause plaque and oral candidiasis.
Barley Grass Is Packed With Wide And Balanced Spectrum Of Nutrition And Is A Great Source Of Energy. It Is Loaded With Vitamins Such As A, B, C, E, K, Minerals, Amino Acids, Chlorophyll, Antioxidants And Enzymes For Wholesome Wellbeing.
Rosemary is the usual choice for treating oral candidiasis and unwanted fungal buildup which often appears as an unpleasant yellowish discharge across the tongue. Rosemary is also microbial and is effective against painful mouth ulcers.
Peppermint oil can significantly reduce bad breath due to its main active ingredient, menthol which assist in anti-inflammation, clearing congestion and mucus formed in the mouth and chest. It could be used to treat receding or swollen gums. Regular use can build a protective layer on teeth called a bio-film.
Wheat Grass Is Packed With Wide And Balanced Spectrum Of Nutrition And Is A Great Source Of Energy. An Alkalising Food, It Is Extremely Rich In Protein , Amino Acids, Enzymes, Dietary Fibre And Contains A High Level Of Chlorophyll, Minerals And Vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, I And K For Overall Wellbeing.
At Sai Nursery, we believe that gardening is not just a hobby, it's a way of life! Our team of passionate gardeners are here to provide you with the best plants and create a remarkable gardening experience.