We source our honey from the high altitude rangers of a farm located in Central West of New South Wales, Australia. The bees collect honey from a variety of native flowers of the region, giving a great taste , a beautiful bouquet of aroma and great rich deep golden look.
Australian Pure Honey
Comes from native eucalyptus forests in remote parts of Western Australia.
These are native Western Australian trees, located in remote forests far from human habitation, each trees produces honey with individual taste and properties. The trees flower at different times of the year part of the reason for the different characterises.
Tree species:
Jarrah- Eucalyptus marginate
Jarrah / Blackbutt Eucalyptus patens and Eucalyptus Marginata
Regum- Marri Eucalyptus calophylla
Is the highest quality honey of WA. It is well known for its high medicinal qualities. It has a very smooth caramel flavour, currently have two varieties of this available. TA35+ and TA40+. they come from different areas of WA, far away from farms and civilisation to avoid potential pesticide contamination.
Honey's anti-microbial strength is measured by the term Total Activity (TA). The TA is a bacteria killing scale; the higher the TA the greater the antimicrobial strength. The anti-bacterial activity of honey is derived via natural enzymes and chemicals in the honey that originate from the flower that the nectar has been collected from.
Any honey with a TA of greater than 10+ may have beneficial antimicrobial properties, and these properties are more effective as the TA level increases. Note that the UMF value on Manuka honey is essentially the same as a TA value, but the antimicrobial activity is generated by different chemical processes.
Other Honey Varities
Jarrah Blackbutt Eucalyptus patens
Slightly less sweet than Jarrah honey, This natural mix of jarrah and blackbutt honey is done by the bees in the hive when the jarrah trees stop producing nectar with the honey super boxes at approximately 75% capacity. The blackbutt then starts flowing nectar shortly after the jarrah stops and the bees fill the remaining space in the box with Blackbutt.
Regum- Eucalyptus camaidulenis
This honey has a distinct full bodies fresh fruit, almost plum flavour. It is less sweet than other honey varieties and a rich dark gold colour. This honey is also known for its extremely high activity levels. Also known as marri honey
Premium Raw Honey-
This honey is not mono floral, meaning it is not a singular variety of honey but a mix. Depending on what is flowering at the time, flavours can vary throughout the year, generally it is quite a sweet honey.
Polarization: 99.80%
Ash content: 0.04%
Moisture: 0.04%
Solubility: 100% Dry & Free Flowing
Radiation: Normal without presence of caesium or iodine
Colour: Sparkling White Crystalline
Granulation: Fine to Medium
Reducing Sugar: 0.05% Max by weight
Our Manuka honey has traceability and scientific proof you are purchasing the very best New Zealand Manuka honey from us. We can source packed and bulk Manuka UMF 15+
We are certified with:
- New Zealand Government Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the highest food safety and traceability
- Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Association of New Zealand which gives customers scientific proof of grade of Manuka honey in the jar.
- New Zealand Fern Mark which guarantees our honey is a product of New Zealand and produced by a New Zealand company
- Honey meets the New Zealand Government Manuka exporting standards