APPLICATIONS The spherical washer, used in combinationwith the conical seat, guarantees a safelocking function on non-parallel bearingsurfaces when the hole and bolt are notperfectly aligned. Working together, thespherical washer and conical seatcompensate each other to a maximum of 3degrees
Spring washers, which have axial flexibility and are usedto prevent fastening or loosening due to vibrations. Locking washers, which prevent fastening or loosening bypreventing unscrewing rotation of the fastening device;locking washers are usually also spring washers. Spring washers should be used on the nut side of thefastener. If an additional washer is required to spreadthe load (as in our image above) it should be usedbetween the spring washer and the mounting surface.
APPLICATIONS Sealing washer applications include use forliquid protection and dust protection. Sealing washers superbly protect bolts, screws and other fasteners or threadedsurfaces, particularly when used to preventthe ingress of water and other liquids.
APPLICATIONS Taper Washer are square or half round, Taper washers are designed to be usedonchannel sections, underneath nuts withtapered flanges to enable the boltassembly to fit square when tightened
Size 1 Size 2 Size 3
BUTTON HEAD SOLID RIVETS Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5
Capstan Screw Size 1
Construction Studs Construction Application
Crinkle Washer Size 1 And 2
Disc Spring Washer
Female Spherical Seat Washer Size 1
Fillister Screws Size 1,2 ,3 And 4
Flanged Blind Rivets Size 1, 2, 3 And 4
Flanged Trapezoidal Leadscrew Nuts Size 1 And 2
Imperial External Locking Washer Size 1, 2, 3
Imperial Slotted Mushroom Screws Size 1 And 2
Knurled Thin Thumb Screw - Din 464 (1)
Male Spherical Washer