Mad honey i.e red wild honey harvested in the himalayas and deliver without a single additive..We provde mad honey from the himalayas in retail and wholesale to the whole world.
Wild honey.
Wet blue buffaloes hide, goat skins, dry processed buffalo hides for crackers or dog food & crust, finisher .Sourcing, quality inspection
Fresh and dried moringa leaves.
Dog chews & treats- dried cheese yak churpi chews, water buffalo horn, hooves, mountain goat horn, horn rope toy.
Smoking pipes, incense sticks, rope incense, prayers flag, etc..
Plant extracts and essential oils.Buying agent
Medicinal herbs, mica.
Medicinal herbs, mica scraps.
Wet blue buffalo hides for upholstery, shoes, wet blue buff calf skins for shoes & garments, wet blue goat skins for shoes, finished printed leather for shoes.
Herbs & essential oils.
Jatamansi oil, sugandh kokila and sugandh bala.
Singing/ Meditation Bowls and Ashwag Oil..
Natural honey, royal jelly and propolis.Production