Mineral water content: Without CO2 Ph: 7.00.5 H2sio3: 50.00 / 30-100 K+: 1.03 / 0.40-2.00 Na+: 7.08 / 1.00-20.00 Ca2+: 17.2 / 1.00-50.00 Mg2+: 1.28 / 0.10-10.00 Sr: 0.01-0.20. 12 bottles/case 2160 cases/20ft container.
Aquagold herbal drinking water is the first (mas cotek / ficus deltoidea) herbal drinking water in the world which being develop through certain process of research. It has been proven as a healthy drink which suites all ages.
The water temperature year-round 7 degrees Celsius, pH 7.46. One liter of water containing - Calcium Ca + + 20:44 mg / l - Magnesium Mg + + 3.64 mg / l - Sodium Na + + 0.79 mg / l - K Potassium 0.27 mg / l - Bicarbonates HCO 3 - 79.30 mg / l - Nitrate NO3 4.28 mg / l - Sulphates SO4 8:52 mg / l - Cl - 3:45 Chlorides mg / l - Ph value - 7:46 - Dry residues at 180oC 67.00 mg / l. 0,5 l - 1,5 l plastic bottle 0,25 l - 0,75 l - 1 l glass bottle.
U.S. Mineral water (bottled)
Eco Mineral Water is an Uruguayan company dedicated to the extraction, bottling and export of Natural Mineral Water. This water surges in a natural environment free of contamination, from ecological wells, located in the valley of Sierra de Minas. The pureness and the balance of the different minerals contained, as well as the low amount of sodium, allows us to offer a unique and Excellent Mineral Water that complies with International Quality Standards. We offer four different presentations: * 330cc * 500cc * 750cc * 1000cc 500cc - 18 units/pack 330cc - 18 units/pack 750cc - 12 units/pack 1000cc - 12T units/pack.
ISO 22000:2005 ICA Certification. 20*0.5l bottle per carton.
Natrium : 13,0 mg/l Calcium : 56,0 mg/l Magnesium : 18,0 mg/l Kalium : 0,7 mg/l Chloride : 3,0 mg/l Sulfate : 7,0 mg/l Fluorides : 0,18 mg/l Hydrogen-carbonate : 293,0 mg/l. 1,5 L PET bottle, 504 bottles on one pallet, 33 pallet in one lorry.
Potable packaged drinking water treated in UV & Ozone. most safe & reliable source of potable water under strict India Govt manufacturing guideline. Best in taste. 12 bottles.
Uniqueness of Ocean Plasma (1) Sea water is extracted from the phytoplankton bloom vortex 35 miles off Nova Scotia (where three streams meet) located exactly 30 meters from the surface and 10 meters from the ocean bed, the zone of Solar Penetration which is known for its exceptional purity and rich in nutrient. (2) Using a Proprietary process, Ocean Plasma follows the same protocol laid down by Rene Quinton over 100 years ago i.e. never exposed to heat, radiation, UV light, or contact with metal during the course of manufacture; with triple cold filtration and tested in a manner that protects it from alteration and preserves its state as a living water. (3) It contains a wealth of natural organic minerals and trace elements (electrolytes) around 92; that as a group, even though many are in minute amounts, helps the body to re-mineralized, purify and regenerate the extra cellular fluid. (4) These minerals and electrolytes are in organic ionic form, is the form required to pass through the membrane of every one of the 60 trillion bodily cells. All cells draw their nourishment from the extra cellular fluid. (5) The composition of the minerals and electrolytes in Ocean Plasma are in the proper ratios needed by human tissue and has an almost identical composition with our extra cellular fluids. (blood plasma, amniotic fluid, lymph etc). (6) The isotonic Ocean Plasma has been diluted with spring water yielding a mineral salt concentration of 9ppt (9000ppm) – the salinity of human blood. (7) Both Ocean Plasma and blood plasma have inherent homeostatic mechanism that ensures a constant Ph. When chronic acidification occurs in our blood, the body robs calcium, magnesium and other highly charged electrolytes from our bones and tissues in order to stabilize the pH of our blood. Ocean Plasma Ph matches that of our blood i.e. 7.4 to 7.6. (8) Ocean Plasma is one of the best approaches to prevent infections and other health problems. Drinking Ocean Plasma is easy once we get into the habit of drinking it every day as it is safe with no side effect. (9) Ocean Plasma not only nourishes the body but also helps to detoxify the body. (10) Ocean Plasma comes in 30ml PET1 bottle which is better than ampoule as once open it can be kept in a fridge for later consumption. PET1 is hygienic, strong, resistant to attack by micro-organisms, does not react with foods or beverages, and will not biologically degrade. Its safety for food and beverage use is recognized by health authorities around the world. But unlike glass, PET is extremely lightweight, simple to transport and won't break, which is why it is highly recommended by the FDA. I Box Contain 30 Bottles Of 30c.C.Per Bottle.
We produce 0, 33 LT, 0, 5 LT, 1, 5 LT, 5 LT, 10 LT, 19 LT. Per package contain 12.
Sparkling water 1,5 l Weight of 1 bottle 1.5l = 1.58 kg Six pack= 6 bottles in one package
Mineral water.
USD 0.30 per bottle for 600ml USD 0.60 per bottle for 1500ml. 600ml mineral water 1 carton = 24 bottle 1500ml mineral water 1 carton = 12 bottle.
Contain minerals that human body needs every days It is pure and hygience Bottle standardised Standard packing
Natural spring water, low in sodium and nitrates, suitable for small babies. 12 glass bottles of 1 litre per carton 24 glass bottles of 0,25 l per carton.
Natural mineral water and spring water (incl. carbonated) in any quantities, from Bulgaria; PET bottles from 0.330 up to 10.0L; private labeling without additional costs; certain terms and prices under kimgroup.ks via gm ailcom for fast negotiations and order execution. 0.330 up to 10.0L.
Packed pure water Cup 200 ml , bottles 0.65 l or 1.5 l.
First knowledge of the Lithuanian mineral waters was found in medieval chronicles. There are mentioned mineral water sources of Druskininkai, Birstonas and Stakliskes. As a result, in 1794 was established the resort of Druskininkai (Lithuania), famous throughout Europe for its natural and various concentrations of sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, mineral waters. "Hermis" - the Greek olympian gods envoy named natural weak mineralization -1355 mg/l of a unique anion (chlorine, hydrogen and sulphate) and cations (sodium, calcium, magnesium) a constant chemical composition of mineral water produced in druskininkai from 150 meters deep borehole Nr. 25311 (2477). "Hermis" is made free of iron by a special original technology, without using any additives, preservatives or condiments and without contact with air at bottling. Therefore, it is called natural. "Hermis" has excellent properties resulting from poor mineralization of water and it contains a unique anion - cation ratio. As a result, mineral water "Hermis" is used efficiency in sporting activities, or to revitalize prevention is much more promising than many similar mineral waters. In addition, this mineral water is widely used as table water and refreshing cocktails with the production of various juices and ice cream. Characteristics and taste of natural, weak salinity water "Hermis" comparable to the best analogy to other European union countries for mineral waters. Already, you can choose the water-saturated and unsaturated carbon, plain or with lemon flavor.
Pirmosios pinios apie lietuvos mineralinio vandens buvo rastas viduram¦i kronikose. Yra minimas mineralinio vandens =altinius, druskininkuose, bir=tone ir stakli=ki. Kaip rezultatas, 1794 m. Buvo ßsteigta druskinink kurorto "(lietuva), garsus visoje europoje natvralaus ir ßvairios koncentracijos natrio chlorido, kalcio, magnio, mineralini vanden. "hermis" - graik olimpo diev pasiuntinio vardu fizinis silpnos mineralizacijos -1.355 mg / l unikalaus anijonas (chloras, vandenilio ir sulfato) ir katijon (natrio, kalcio, magnio) palyginamosiomis cheminds suddties mineralinis vanduo gaminamas druskininkai i= 150 metr gylio grµ¦inio nr. 25311 (2477). "hermis" yra pagamintas be gele¦ies ypatinga originalia technologija, nenaudojant joki pried, konservant ar prieskoni ir be salyeio su oru iopilstymo. Toddl vadinamos natvraliomis. "hermis" turi puiki savybi, patiriam del prastos mineralizacijos vandens ir jis yra unikalus anijonas - katijon santykio. Kaip rezultatas, mineralinis vanduo "hermis" vartojama efektyvuma ir sportind veikla, ar siekiant aktyvinti prevencija yra gerokai daugiau ¦adanti nei daugelis pana=i mineralini vanden. Be to, =is mineralinis vanduo yra plaFiai naudojamas kaip stalo vandens ir gaivij kokteiliai su ßvairi sulFi ir led. Rodikliai ir skonio gamtos, silpnos mineralizacijos vanduo "hermis" pana=us ß geriausius analogija su kitomis europos sajungos oalimis del mineralinio vandens. Jau galite pasirinkti vandens sotieji ir nesotieji anglies, paprasti arba citrin skonio.
Vanadium mineral water from Japan. 2Litter X 6 per carton 1,000cartons 1x20feet and 1x40feet 2,000cartons.