Beauty products, cosmetics.Beautification, skin treatment, aesthetic, beauty parlour
.Health care
.Health care software, crm software solution, patient tracking software, prm software, bariatric health care programme, patient record system, patient care, bariatric patient care, bariatric surgery, health care
.Hair salon and gift shop
.Acupuncture treatment, acupuncture therapy, painless acupuncture, harmless acupuncture treatment, acupuncture medical science, alternative medicine acupuncture therapy, acupuncturist consultant, acupuncturist consultant, psychotherapist consultant, spondlytis treatments, backache treatments, headache treatments, nervousness treatments, depression treatments, tension treatments, addiction treatments, painful condition mind body, psychosomatic therapy, psychosexual disorders therapy, psychiatric problems therapy, acupuncture in mumbai, acupuncture therapy in india, dr. Jagdish shah, member of british medical acupuncture society, mumbai, india
.Eye hopsital
.Serving the medical and healthcare industry in Jamaica
.Physical, occupational therapy
.Health services
.I am a salon owner, my salon provides service to clientele such as using hair for weaving
.Infertility treatment, human reproduction centre, pregnancy treatment, ivf specialist, male infertility clinic, female infertility clinic, ivp baby treatment, embryologist specialist, laparoscopy specialist, hysteroscopy specialist, pregnancy through ivf, pregnancy through iui, pregnancy through semen bank, pregnancy through laparoscopy, pregnancy through ova, pregnancy through embryo bank, infertility treatment counseling, infertility treatment centre, pregnancy treatment centre, ivf specialist centre, embryologist specialist centre, virk hospital
.Massage therapy through inovative and efective modern methods
.Health & wellness - by natural means of healing disease and sickness
.Health care services
.Medical and diagonstic
.Therapy services for children with special needs
.Offers osteopathy pain treatment including treatment for back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, whiplash, headache, joints stiffness, rheumatic pain, ankle strains, muscular aches, muscular pains, pregnancy care, post natal care in UK.
Chemicals, agro products, immitation jewellery.Yoga, acupunture, event management