Food Products.
Tuna cooked and dried by under the hot sun. And hygienic. One packet is =1kg.
Fish, Fish Products, Coconut Products..
Seacucumbers fresh frozen (Available) cooked (Available) 1kg x USD100 (FOB)
Food And Drink.
Big sea maldives is a maldivian owned company established in 2006, we are importers of seafood, convenience food, and nonfood items. we are sole agents for many international branded products and fresh and frozen seafood distributors with a product range of over 30. rock lobster, slipper lobster, various formats of prawns, crab & cut crab, yellowfin tuna, sashimi loins chilled or frozen. reef fish fillets and whole fish, sea bass (barramundi) imported frozen salmon fillets, and darne are a few to mention..
I found the sea Natural Shells I already tested them from the UAE
Product Description : Cooked & Dried Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Negotiable Product origin : Rep. of Maldives Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Cardboard Box
TOP QUALITY SEA CUCUMBER FROM CRYSTAL CLEAR WATERS OF MALDIVES PROCESSED WITH A DRYNESS OF 95-99% Looking for buyers for: Curry Fish Amber Fish Skinless White Teat Black Tiger White Tiger
Frozen reef fish.
Smoked dried maldivian tuna / salted dried yellow fin tuna Boxes each box 25 kg
Live tropical fish and marine life for aquariums from the underwater tropical gardens. Safely packed.
Yellowfin tuna from maldives is famous for its quality and the environmental friendly way it is caught. Everyone loves the taste Frozen yellow fin tuna (thunnus albacares) . Also available in hgt, whole round, hg, gg, loins. Grades canning, sashmi, lower etc We are able to supply frozen yellow fin tuna (thunnus albacares) to buyers worldwide. Also available in hgt, whole round, hg, gg, loins.Grades available are canning, aa, a, sashmi and lower grade.. Sizes is 4.0.Kg to 10.Kg; 10.0kg and up Packed in cartons with clear nylon plastics
We can provide live fish like clown fish , angle fish , etc
High quality chilled fish (all kinds of reef fish). Medium size regiform box.
Maldives its long history of fishing, carries out a more responsible and sustainable form of fisheries. We are highly committed to quality and freshness of our raw materials which comes from the unpolluted waters around us. Due to this our products are the best environmental choice around the globe. Our fisherman are well trained and fishing boats are well equipped with the most modern facilities. Our processing plants work strictly according to HACCP rules. A certified quality controller critically tests each fish for Histamine and other health issues. Our Products are packed in to European standard approved by the EU. Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares G&G whole fish Packing: Average weight of fish30 - 80kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 100 - 115kg Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares H&G whole fish Packing: Average weight of fish30 - 80kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 100 - 115kg Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares Loins A grade wrapped Packing: Average weight of loins 2 - 4kg Weight of cardboard boxes with gel ice 30 - 33kg Emperor Red snapper Lutjanus sabae Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 1 - 5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Humpback Snapper Lutjanus gibbus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Two-spot Red Snapper Lutjanus bohar Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 1 - 3kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Tomato Rockcod-Seabass Cephalopholis sonnerati Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Brownspotted Grouper Epinephelus chlorostigma Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg White-blotched Grouper Epinephelus multinotatus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 8kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Banded Grouper Epinephelus fasciatus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Coral Trout Cephalopolis miniata Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Moontail Red Seabass Variola louti Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,5 - 1,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Mahi Mahi Coryphaena hippurus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 15kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 2 - 10kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Parrotfish Scarus ghobban Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,6 - 3kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg Goat fish Parupeneus indicus Whole fish Packing: Weight of fish 0,1 - 0,5kg Weight of cardboard box 6, 10 or 15kg
Those who are intrested in buying maldives dry fish pls mail me to.
Frozen/chilled yellow fin tuna headed and gutted. (exported individually cleaned and packed in master card boxes with gel ice packets). 30 kgs up.
Our sea cucumbers are well cooked and sun dried. Packed in bags & boxes Bags - 40kg/bsg Boxes - 25kg/box