TOSHIBA Vantage 1.5T with Oxford Magnet Year: 2003 Quench From P2 to P3 Updated Coils: Shoulder Array Coil GP Flex Coil Breast Coil QD Coil for Knee QD Head/ NV Speeder QD Torso Speeder QD CTL Spine Array Coil
Toshiba Vantage Titan 1.5T MRI Year: 2011 Magnet is professionally ramped down. Available as a full system as well as a parts system.
2007 PHILIPS ACHIEVA 1.5 T MRI Upgraded: 2019 Magnet Model : F2000 Coils: Quad. Head Coil, Synergy Body Coil, Synergy Spine Coil, SENSE Breast Coil, SENSE NV coil, 2 x SENSE Flex Medium, Circular Coil C1 II, Circular Coil C3
Preowned MRI Scan System with Standard Accessories Magnet OXFORD SIEMMENS OR105 Year of Manufacture 2011 InstallationOn 25th March 2011 Coil MRRBC150N Rapid Body MRCTL150 Rapid CTL MRMPC151AMultipurpose140A MRRHC150 Papid Head MRNVC150 Rapid NV MRRKC150 Rapid Knee
Preowned CT Scan System with Standard Accessories As isin Working Condition YOM 2017 Tube419545 scan sec as of 12th March 2024 Expecting 440000 scan sec until the deinstallation at EndMay 2024 Monitor on the front Magnet is out of order
SIEMENS AVANTO FIT Year of Manufacturing: 2017 Magnet Year & Model: 2017/OR105 No. of channels: 48 Cold Head year: 2017 Coils: Body 18: YOM 2024, Breast 18 Head, Flex Large & Small 4, FootAnkle 16,HandWrist 16, HeadNeck 20,Shoulder Large & Small 16, Spine 32, Body, TxRx Knee 15
Philips Ingenia 3T MRI Year: 2014 Gradient Model: Omega/HP Magnet Model: WA RF Amplifier: C787 Coils: T/R Knee 16, dS Foot/Ankle 8ch, Small Extr 8ch, dS Head/Neck, dS Head, dS Anterior, Shoulder, dS Breast 16chdS Wrist 8ch, dS Anterior, dS Base, Dstream Interface, Console: Z420 Software version console: R5.3
Toshiba Vantage Elan 1.5T Year:2017 16 Channel Gradient strength & Model: 33/125 /DX Magnet Year& Model: 2017/MSM-TC-150AM-F Compressor Year& Model: 2016/F-70 Compressor running hours: 53312h Cold head model& year: RDK-408D3/2015 Coils: BODY, Octave Head, Breast, Spine16ch Flex, 16ch Flex Large, Software version console: V4.0-SP1053
CAS accession number: 15365-14-7 Specifications: Appearance black powder chemical formula LiFePO4 molecular weight 157.76 vibration density 0.86g/cm3 powder compaction 2.41g/cm3 specific surface area 13.68m2/g C content 1.4wt% H2O 568ppm PH 9.21 Fe 34.2wt% Li 4.5wt% P 19.51wt% N+K 129ppm Ca 35ppm Ni 14ppm Zn 25ppm Cu 1ppm magnetic substances (Ni + Cr + Zn) 0.5ppm nature: Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) is widely regarded as the most promising cathode material for lithium ion batteries due to its high safety, stable cycle performance, low price, stable discharge platform and environmental friendliness. application: energy storage equipment for solar and wind power generation systems, UPS for uninterruptible power generation systems, and use solar cells as energy storage equipment; high-power electric tools (wireless), electric drills, weeding machines, etc; electric locomotives, electric bicycles, recreational vehicles, electric booster, cleaning vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV); medical equipment (electric wheelchairs, electric scooters), toys (remote control electric planes, cars, boats). storage method: sealed storage to avoid direct sunlight; It is recommended to store it in indoor temperature 35 and humidity 50% RH.