high-quality and healthy instant noodles. The high status of the brand is confirmed by international certificates. Thus, the company has implemented a food safety management system that meets the ISO 22000 standard. Thanks to the work based on this system, the company was awarded the Halal certificate, which is issued according to very strict criteria for product quality and safety. Benefits: 1. EUROPE WAREHOUSE. 2. Immediate goods delivery. 3. Business proposal valid till 2022-09-31. 4. Minimum order 32 pallets.
I would like to present Instant noodles Brand is confirmed by international certificates. Thus, the company has implemented a food safety management system that meets the ISO 22000 standard. Thanks to the work based on this system, the company was awarded the Halal certificate, which is issued according to very strict criteria for product quality and safety. Instant noodles Spicy Chicken, 50g. Benefits: 1. Immediate goods delivery. 2. Business proposal valid till 2022-09-31. 4. Minimum order 32 pallets. 5. EXW Vilnius, Lithuania
FREEZE DRIED STRAWBERRIES POWDER. Shape: Powder Consistency: loose, dry; Taste and smell: Typical taste of strawberry, without foreign tastes Can make/prepare: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg packaging/bags also. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT: Product obtained by freeze drying process. Lyophilization is dehydration of the fruit by sublimation of ice - water to be passed directly from solid to vapor without the liquid phase. During this process, the product retains the characteristics nutritional and organoleptic parameters. Lyophilization (Freeze-drying) INGREDIENTS: Freeze dried strawberry 100% GM STATUS Product is GM free according to EC regulation 1829/2003 and EC regulation 1830/2003. CHEMICAL PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS According to current EU legal requirements- EC Regulation 396/2005. SHELF LIFE Shelf life in unopened packaging (polyethylene foil) is 12 months from the date of production. Shelf life in unopened packaging (doypack type packaging) is 24 months from the date of production. During delivery to the Client, the product must have min. 3/4 of shelf life. STORAGE CONDITIONS Keep closed tight in dry place at room temperature, in clean, dry, well-ventilated warehouses free from foreign odors and pests. Applies to powder. Before placing a finished product in magazine, half of the height of the pallet must be reduced in case of reducing the degree of flattening of the cartons. When storing the product, it is necessary to move the packages every 3 weeks, put the package upside down, and the package from the bottom to the top, to prevent the powder from caking. In case of noncompliance with the above requirements, complaints will not be taken into account. TRANSPORT CONDITIONS Vehicles must be covered, clean, dry and free of any foreign smell and pests and released for the transport of foodstuffs. PACKING Approved for contact with food, in accordance with applicable law. Direct packaging- tightly closed bags of polyethylene foil, marked with an external legible label, clean, firm, free from foreign odors and pests. Direct packaging- Doypack type packaging (PET 12/Al 8/PE80/M; PET12/Al 8/PE 80S/M; PET 12 met/ PE 100; PET12/r/Al9/PE8), marked with an external legible label, clean, firm, free from foreign odors and pests. Indirect packaging- cardboards wrapped in heat-shrinking foil or stretch foil, which protect the product against damage. QUALITY SYSTEMS The company has implemented HACCP and certified BRC system. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Poland and other
Fat reduced cocoa powder for use in manufacture of Chocolate and for bakery. Characteristic of cocoa, without foreign smell and taste. Fine, homogeneous brown powder.
A soft moist sugar with fine grained light brown crystals, rich in natural molasses which give it its sticky texture, special flavor and aroma. -Used in confectionery. -Used in baking more specially in spicy fruitcakes and gingerbread as well as in the preparation of savory dishes and sweet and sour sauces. -It is also perfect for caramelizing coat for popcorn.
A soft moist sugar with fine grained dark brown crystals, rich in natural molasses which give it its sticky texture, special flavor and aroma. -It is used in confectionery, in baking more specially in spicy fruitcakes and gingerbread as well as in the preparation of savory dishes and sweet and sour sauces. -It is also perfect for caramelizing coat for popcorn. -While using Dark Muscovado sugar to produce malt drinks there is no need for colorings or sugar syrup due to its high content of cane molasses and its natural dark color.
A free-flowing golden brown colored sugar with homogeneous sparkling crystals with a crunchy texture and a rich aroma owing to the presence of molasses in each crystal. Ideal for sweetening coffee, sprinkling on cereals, in muesli production and as crunchy topping for cakes as well as fruits
(Linden Clover, Wildflower, Forest, Buckwheat) 0.5 kg. Bees of  erkanas Apiary works and carries this good. We are happy to share it with you. It is a natural sweetener, which is recommended for almost everyone. Honey is not just a source of glucose, fructose and other carbohydrates it also increases serotonin, the happiness hormone.
FREEZE DRIED WILD STRAWBERRIES POWDER. Shape: Powder Consistency: loose, dry; Taste and smell: Typical taste of wild strawberry, without foreign tastes Can make/prepare: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg packaging/bags also. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT: Product obtained by freeze drying process. Lyophilization is dehydration of the fruit by sublimation of ice - water to be passed directly from solid to vapor without the liquid phase. During this process, the product retains the characteristics nutritional and organoleptic parameters. INGREDIENTS: Freeze dried wild strawberry 100% GM STATUS Product is GM â?? free â?? according to EC regulation 1829/2003 and EC regulation 1830/2003. CHEMICAL PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS According to current EU legal requirements- EC Regulation 396/2005. SHELF LIFE Shelf life in unopened packaging (polyethylene foil) is 12 months from the date of production. Shelf life in unopened packaging (doypack type packaging) is 24 months from the date of production. During delivery to the Client, the product must have min. 3/4 of shelf life. STORAGE CONDITIONS Keep closed tight in dry place at room temperature, in clean, dry, well-ventilated warehouses free from foreign odors and pests. Applies to powder. Before placing a finished product in magazine, half of the height of the pallet must be reduced in case of reducing the degree of flattening of the cartons. When storing the product, it is necessary to move the packages every 3 weeks, put the package upside down, and the package from the bottom to the top, to prevent the powder from caking. In case of noncompliance with the above requirements, complaints will not be taken into account. TRANSPORT CONDITIONS Vehicles must be covered, clean, dry and free of any foreign smell and pests and released for the transport of foodstuffs. PACKING Approved for contact with food, in accordance with applicable law. Direct packaging- tightly closed bags of polyethylene foil, marked with an external legible label, clean, firm, free from foreign odors and pests. Direct packaging- Doypack type packaging (PET 12/Al 8/PE80/M; PET12/Al 8/PE 80S/M; PET 12 met/ PE 100; PET12/r/Al9/PE8), marked with an external legible label, clean, firm, free from foreign odors and pests. Indirect packaging- cardboards wrapped in heat-shrinking foil or stretch foil, which protect the product against damage. QUALITY SYSTEMS The company has implemented HACCP and certified BRC system. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Poland and other
Raw honey. Unfiltered. High quality . Poliflower. Always making lab tests to ensure high quality.
This honey will satisfy a person who enjoys the strong flavor of ginger. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, eases coughing and sore throat. It can increase immunity, and decrease physical and mental exhaustion.
For the chocolate lover. A healthy snack without fat added sugar or artificial additives. Only quality cocoa powder is used and the great flavor is guaranteed!
Mild tasting honey which helps to replenish the body with biologically active materials. This honey and bee pollen mix strengthens the nervous system, increases overall immunity, and improves cardiovascular function. This mix helps to eliminate excess cholesterol, regulates gastric acidity and has a very positive effect on the entire g.i. tract.
Refreshing Cold Force! We recommend that you cool your summer heat with a glass of cold water, honey and peppermint leaves. And in the autumn or winter evenings, a cup of warm, sweet, cool tea.
Honey that is subtle in flavor and provides a Vitamin C fix. Subtle in taste, can improve appetite, lower body temperature, reduce headache, and improve urinary excretion. This honey is recommended if suffering from bronchitis, laryngitis, gastritis, or a reduction in gastric acids.
If you feel the first symptoms of cold or flu- try this natural protection for the body. Honey and propolis mixes are meant for those who not only like the strong taste and smell of the propolis, but also for those who value the labor of the bees. This mix not only provides a good source of glucose, but also is excellent for the prevention of seasonal illnesses. This honey has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It helps to treat upper respiratory ailments, suppresses sore throats and coughs, and strengthens the immune system.
First knowledge of the Lithuanian mineral waters was found in medieval chronicles. There are mentioned mineral water sources of Druskininkai, Birstonas and Stakliskes. As a result, in 1794 was established the resort of Druskininkai (Lithuania), famous throughout Europe for its natural and various concentrations of sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, mineral waters. "Hermis" - the Greek olympian gods envoy named natural weak mineralization -1355 mg/l of a unique anion (chlorine, hydrogen and sulphate) and cations (sodium, calcium, magnesium) a constant chemical composition of mineral water produced in druskininkai from 150 meters deep borehole Nr. 25311 (2477). "Hermis" is made free of iron by a special original technology, without using any additives, preservatives or condiments and without contact with air at bottling. Therefore, it is called natural. "Hermis" has excellent properties resulting from poor mineralization of water and it contains a unique anion - cation ratio. As a result, mineral water "Hermis" is used efficiency in sporting activities, or to revitalize prevention is much more promising than many similar mineral waters. In addition, this mineral water is widely used as table water and refreshing cocktails with the production of various juices and ice cream. Characteristics and taste of natural, weak salinity water "Hermis" comparable to the best analogy to other European union countries for mineral waters. Already, you can choose the water-saturated and unsaturated carbon, plain or with lemon flavor.
Drink of peach juice 30% "tom and jerry". Drink of orange juice 30% "tom and jerry". Multifruit drink with vitamins 30% "tom and jerry". Very delicious, with vitamins and multiminerals.
Pirmosios pinios apie lietuvos mineralinio vandens buvo rastas viduram¦i kronikose. Yra minimas mineralinio vandens =altinius, druskininkuose, bir=tone ir stakli=ki. Kaip rezultatas, 1794 m. Buvo ßsteigta druskinink kurorto "(lietuva), garsus visoje europoje natvralaus ir ßvairios koncentracijos natrio chlorido, kalcio, magnio, mineralini vanden. "hermis" - graik olimpo diev pasiuntinio vardu fizinis silpnos mineralizacijos -1.355 mg / l unikalaus anijonas (chloras, vandenilio ir sulfato) ir katijon (natrio, kalcio, magnio) palyginamosiomis cheminds suddties mineralinis vanduo gaminamas druskininkai i= 150 metr gylio grµ¦inio nr. 25311 (2477). "hermis" yra pagamintas be gele¦ies ypatinga originalia technologija, nenaudojant joki pried, konservant ar prieskoni ir be salyeio su oru iopilstymo. Toddl vadinamos natvraliomis. "hermis" turi puiki savybi, patiriam del prastos mineralizacijos vandens ir jis yra unikalus anijonas - katijon santykio. Kaip rezultatas, mineralinis vanduo "hermis" vartojama efektyvuma ir sportind veikla, ar siekiant aktyvinti prevencija yra gerokai daugiau ¦adanti nei daugelis pana=i mineralini vanden. Be to, =is mineralinis vanduo yra plaFiai naudojamas kaip stalo vandens ir gaivij kokteiliai su ßvairi sulFi ir led. Rodikliai ir skonio gamtos, silpnos mineralizacijos vanduo "hermis" pana=us ß geriausius analogija su kitomis europos sajungos oalimis del mineralinio vandens. Jau galite pasirinkti vandens sotieji ir nesotieji anglies, paprasti arba citrin skonio.
Sunflower, Soyabean Lecithin.
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