The leather industry, including leather footwear, is one of the oldest traditional industries in India. India has a capacity of producing about 900 million pairs of leather footwear and 100 pairs of leather shoe uppers44. Leather and allied industries in India play an important role in terms of providing employment to a large number of artisans and also earn foreign exchange through exports.
Main clusters: The major production centers in India are Chennai and Rapine in
Tamil Nadu), Mumbai in Maharashtra), Agra, Lucknow, and Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, Jalandhar in Punjab, Delhi, Carnal and Faridabad in Haryana, Kolkata in West Bengal, Jaipur and Jodhpur in Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, and Calicut in Kerala.
Artisans involved: Leather footwear manufacturing employs over one lakh people
Across the country45. According to Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI),2,091 tanneries are functioningg across the country28.
Raw mThe rawrial used: Hides of cattle, buffalo, sheep ,and goats are the main raw materials
Used for leather footwear production. Generally, it takes 7 to 21 days for hides to reach the tannery after the animal has been skinned. Other raw materials used for manufacturing leather footwear are synthetic materials, laces, adhesives, MCR (micro cellular rubber) sheet, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) & TPR (thermos plastic rubber) unit soles.
Manufactured is designed based on market demand and raw material requirement is estimated
* Unique handmade Genuine Leather Footwear made out of fine bovine hide.
* Each and every pair is handmade by experienced worker.
* Excellent craftsmanship.
* Numerous designs
* Designs from the Buyers will be accepted.
* Men, Women & Unisex designs