Fasteners like nuts, bolts and screws.
Rosela Ltd. the new contractor in the market of metal working with use of CNC machines, possessing capacity and quality CNC lathes manufactures MAZAK such as screw-nuts, bolts, washers, plugs, pulleys, joints, muffs, nipples, cylinders, pistons, rods, etc., case details of various complexity and high accuracy. And decorative details from nonferrous metals and stainless steel with the subsequent polishing such as: holders, handles, ashtrays, supports as well.
M-shaped 1 " distance centre to centre fastenings 500mm
Three waves-1 " distance centre to centre fastenings 750mm
Metal products - screw, nuts, bolts, washers, plugs, pulleys, joints, muffs, nippels, cylinders, rods, copper and stainless still towel-dryer, wood furniture, windows, stairs, doors.