Double pan, packed in wooden box without wieght. Capacity 100 gm
Maximum Capacity 120 Kg. least count 0.5 kg. zero adjustment disc provided. For laboratory and domestic use only.
M.I.P. type with handle, multi brush sweeping contacts move over either with a handle fitted on thick bakelite base.
Top pan digital display battery / mains operated. Seek and elegant. Simple to use. Easy to store Operates on four 1.5 Votls (AA size) battery. Can be used with 6 volt adapter. Low battery indicator. Overload Indicator. Mode function allows weight to be display in a gram or ounces. ON/TARE function to reset scale to zero, to wieght additional quantity. Capacity 300 gm, Sensitivity 10 mg.
Made from 7/10" thick brass block, fitted on heavy bakelite base, brass plugs and lugs are thorughy interlaped for perfect locking, packed in individual duplex box. Available : One / Two / Three Way
Fitted on thick bakelite base with Brass C.P. points insulated knob and terminal, max. current 5 amp. packed in individual duplex box.
Range Total Resistance in Ohms a 0.1 to 1 2 b 0.1 to 5 11 c 0.1 to 10 21 d 0.1 to 50 111 e 0.1 to 100 211 f 0.1 to 500 1111 g 1 to 10 20 h 1 to 50 110 i 1 to 100 210 j 1 to 500 1110 k 1 to 1000 2110 l 1 to 5000 11110 m 1 to 10000 21110
Designed for quick and accurate work, resistor values shown on thick bakelite sheet and read by a pointer, each dial consistas of 10 steps, superior quality switches are used to ensure low contact resistance, moving contacts aremade from phosphorous bronze lamination to ensure long life, fitted on spray painted box accuracy + 1 %
Wound with hanthal wire on 5.6cm dia tube, most suitalbe for high current temperature resistance 200 °C above room temeprature very useful for industries projects and research laboratories.
High quality paper condenser fitted in teak wood box with ebonite top and terminals (Microfarad = µfd) A B C D E 0.01µfd 0.2 µfd 0.5 µfd 1.0 µfd 2.0 mfd
A simple instrument to teach student the techniques and method of e.m.f. measurement, fitted on nicely polished plywood base with sunmica top, solf wood gradutated scale 100 cmx 1 mm, resistance wire is streched along the ends of meter scale, brass CP connecting strips and brass terminals, provided with pencil jockey. Avaialble : 4 Wire / 10 Wire
The slide wire 50 cm long is fitted over graduated plate divided in 500 part. The jockey is of superior type and slides on the metal rod. The dial consists of 14 coils connected in series to the slide wire. Terminals for battery, galvanometer and test circuit are provided on the panel.
Consisting of heat treated winding of the purest form of platinum having resistance of 2.8 ohms, enclosed in aborosilicate glass grounded tube, provided with four terminal, tow for non inductive winding and two for conpensating leads.
(Wheatstone Bridge) One meter long, provided with four gaps/ two gaps, plywood base and sunmica top, graduated scales, constantan wire is streched on top of meter scale brass C.P. Strip aend gaps can be closed by removable brass strips and brass terminals are provided to reduce resistance. With Pencil Jockey With pressing Jockey Brass
Callender and Griffith’s Bridge, Carry Faster Bridge and Potentionmeter combined in one instrument. It is an improvement over the potentiomenter. 50 cm long slide wire of 1 ohms resistance is calibrated into 100 equal parts. 14 coils are arranged in series in dial form each being of 1 ohms resistance, terminals arranged for appropriate working of different instruments, jockey sliding on brass rod, accuracy of adjustment ± 0.05 %
For comparision of capacities of condenser. it consists of an AC source, a detector, 5 unknown values, Circuit diagram is printed on board and 2 ratio dials of X10 & X100 are provided Accuracy ± 0.05 % to ± 0.1 %
It is fully portable with build in galvanometer and battery, designed to provide an accurate and sensitive measurement of resistance and locating faults in cables by adopting the Murray and Varley loop circuit for tests. Separate terminals for current, battery and galvanometer are provided on bakelite panel. Range : 0.001 ohms to 11.11 megohms Constantan coil, accuracy ±0.1 %
For precise measurement of low resistance, capable of measuring resistance from 0.1 micro ohm to 1.1 ohms. Ten standard resistance fo manganin are provided in steps of 0.01 oh each in dia form with five multiply ratio of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 ohms. Ther circular slide wire of 0.01 ohms is also made from thick manganin wire having extremely low temperature coefficient. Calibrated to ± 0.05 to 0.02 % with heavy construction.
Same as 633, Range - Miliammeter - 100 mA, 250 mA, 500 mA etc. Range - Microammter 50 uA, 100 uA, 250 uA and 500 uA
3½ Digit Display with 9 volt battery. Range Avilable DC Current - 199.99uA 1.99mA 19.99mA 199.9mA. 19.99 A DC Voltage - 199.9mv 1.99V 19.99V 199.9V