To study frequency and waveshape shift Oscillator instrument compreses of 12V DC regulated power supply, printed cicuit diagram & components mounted on fron panel.
Range 1 Hz to 100 Khz in five bands, Sine, Square nad Triangular wave with output voltage variable upto 20 volts peak to peak at
Wit built in stabilized power supply, workable on 230 Volts AC, thermister fitted with built in oven and thermometer is mounted on front panel, a heat control switc, on mili ammeter 10mA, on voltmeter 10V and separate terminal for thermister are provided.
Instrument comprises of DC regulatored power supply, printed circuit diagram and component mountedon the fron panel
Instrument comprises of two DC regulated power supplies of 0-5 Volts and ±15 volt on digital meter to measure input and output voltages, combination of reistances, capacitors mounting on fron panel
To plot reverse saturation current Vs temeprature in reverse biased PN junction diode, instrument comprises of DC regulated power supply 0-20 Volts / 150mA two MO 65 moving coil meters 20 V and 100 uA for voltage & current measurement, on PN Junction diode (GeType) Kept in oven with temerpature control knob
To draw V I characteristics of solar cell, instrument comprises of moving coil meters fitted on panel with power supply, lamp house solar cell mounted supplied with wooden plank
Verification of KCL and KVL
To trace hystersis curves on CRO using resistance, capacitance & inductance, instrument comprises of AC power supply 3-15V AC, output selectable using band switch, printed circuit diagram components connected behind the front panel, provision for connecting external inductance is given input & out connections brought out at sockets
Dual trace, Band Width DC to 20 MHzWorkable on 220Volt, 50 Hz. Vertical deflection coefficients 5 mV to 20 V/div., time base 20ns-0.2s/div., variable hold off, X10 magnification, Triggering DC 20 Mhz., active TV Sync Sep., Alternate triggering, LED indication for stable triggering, XY mode, Z modulation, saw tooth output (5 Vpp spptoc.), component tester, 2 level calibrator.
Signal bandwidth 25MHz., independent vertical scale and position control knobs for each channel, 24 parameters of automatic measurements, low-pass, high-pass, band-reject digital filters with adjustable cut-off frequency, advanced cursor mode, manual, auto and track
To calculate dielectric constant of solids. The instrument consists of high frequency oscillator of tuneable frequency, optimum tunning of oscillator can be measured using outer gang condenser. Dielectric is placed between parallel plates, change is detected and difference is noted for calculation.
Kit is based on 8085 Microprocessor designed to provide ease in interaction with 8 bit Microprocessor capabilities. This kit can be use to train engineers about the Microprocessor Technology to control any industrial process and to develop Software for 8085 system. This it has a powerful monitor in 4/8 bytes EPROM. The monitor cab ne extended to incorporate an Assemble and Disassembler for 8085. The input/output structure includes programmable 24 I/O lines. It has got 16 bit programmable Time/Counter using 8253 for generation of any type of counting.
Based on intel 8086 CPU operating at 2.5/5 MHz. Provided with on board sockets, 16 K bytes of RAM, 72 I/O lines, 16 bit timer, RS-232 cord, 28 keys, hexadecimal keyboard, 8 seven segment display with powerful software commands and inbuilt power supply. Provided with detailed users manual
The experiment consists of the following : Four Probe Arrangement Oven (upto 200-C)Sample : GE Crystal Mounted Thermometer (0-200-C)
The setup consists of electromagnet of 7.5Kg. Power supply for electromagnet 0-100V/4 amps, germanium crystal mounted, constant current power supply 0-20 kilo Gauss and hall probe.
It is a simple device to determine the ultrasonic velocity in liquids the principle is based on accurate measurement of wave length in the medium Ultrasonic wave s of known frequency are produced by a quartz plate fixed at the bottom of the cell. The waves are reflected by a movalbe metallic plate. If the separation between these plates is exactly whole multiple of sound wavelength, standing waves are formed. The acoustic resonance gives rise to electrical reaction on the generator and anode current becomes maximum. From the knowledge of wavelength, velocity can be obtained.
To determine velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid, complete apparatus consists of high frequency R.F. Oscillator 3-8 MHz, Crystal with tank, long tube Spectrometer with 7 "protracted circle, sodium lamp with wooden box and transformer
A basic instrument for performing spectroscopy experiments, designed to give best possible results, mounted on stable cast iron base, protracted scale 150mm is divided on precision machine, vernier reading 1 min., telescope is fitted with 25mm dia. and 178mm focal length achromatic objective, 10x Ramsden eye piece and cross line graticule, collimeter has an adjustable precision slit of 6mm long jaws of non rusting metal, 8cm dia. prism/grating table is adjustable and has engraved ring pattern. Supplied in a beautiful plywood box with prism holder and grating holder
(Vernier Microscope) : Consists of cast iron base with machined V-shape vertical pillar, microscope tube consists of 10x eye piece and on achromatic objective of 50-75 mm working distance, embedded stainless steel horizontal scale is graduated upto 17cm and vertical scale 15cm, vertical and horizontal slide can be clamped at any position using clamping screw, fine motion is brought about be micrometer screws, horizontal and vertical vernier of 0.01mm are provide along with two levelling screws, packed in plywood box.