D2 is a refinery abbreviation for Gasoil. It is the second distillate from the crude oil, and can be used without reformers and additives
Specifications for Gasoil D2 L-0.02/62 / GOST 305-82
Density at 20C Kg / m�³ 0.870
Colour 2.0
Flash point, PMCC Deg C (�°C) 57 62
Kinematic viscosity at 20C C ST 3.0 6.0
Pour point Deg C (�°C) (*) -10.0
Cloud point Deg C (�°C) (*) -5.0
Mercaptan sulphur 0.01
Acidity, mg / 1000 cm�³ 5
Iodine number g/100g 6
Ash %wt 0.01
Total Sulphur %wt 0.02 0.05
Copper corrosion 3hrsat50 deg C (typical) 1 A
CCR on 10% Residues %wt 0.02
Cetane index 45
Distillation range :
- 50% Recovered Volume deg C (�°C) 280
- 90% Recovered Volume deg C (�°C 360
Bacteria MBC Fibre / it 500
- Bacteria CFU Fibre / it 1000
(*) Summer from March to October (PP 5.0 degrees C)
Summer from March to October (CP 0.0 degrees C)
Winter from November to February (PP 10.0 degrees C)
Winter from November to February (CP 5.0 degrees C)