Organic products including himalayan pink salt, mango juice, jaggery, brown sugar, herbal extracts and dry fruits..Brokering contracts with manufacturers, transportation and shipments
Rosehip seeds Dog roses having medicinal properties grows in nature. Hips contain a large quantity of ascorbic acid, sometimes amounting to 18 %. Content of ascorbic acid in hips is 10 times more, than in black or red currant, 50 times more, than in lemon. Besides vitamin C it contains B-carotin (provitamin A), phyllohinol (vitamin K) and bioflavonoids (vitamin P), pectin, salts of iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Oil of seeds contains tocopherols (vitamin E), carotin and also linoleic, oleic and solid acids. Hips serve as raw material for production of natural ascorbic acid, and also it is widely used for preparation of dietetic drinks, tinctures, decoctions, concentrates.Hips are used as antiscorbutic drug during avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, cholecystitises, hepatitises and gastrointestinal disturbances, especially connected with reduction of cholepoiesis.