Bituminous materials are organic materials, which include several types. Natural bitumen. It is a sticky substance or solid, which is made up of compounds of carbohydrates and their derivatives. Methods of its formation are the natural oxidation processes of oil polymerization
BASE OIL: Base oil (RECYCLE) price list
SN 100: - $330 GROSS / 320 NET
BS 150: - $340 GROSS / 330 NET
SN150: - $330 GROSS / 320 NET.
SN 300 - $360 GROSS / 350 NET.
SN 500 - $350 GROSS / 340 NET
SN650 - $360 GROSS / 350 NET
SN900 - $370 GROSS / 360
1. Buyer Review Sellers SCO And Issues ICPO Along With Company Profile.
2. Seller Issues A Commercial Invoice (CI) For The Available Quantity In The Storage Tank To Buyer, Buyer Signs And Returns CI Back To The Seller Within 4 Working Days.
3. Seller Issues To Buyer The Existing Injection Report Done By The Sellers SGS Inspection Team For The Injection Of The Product Into The Tank Farm, Seller Issue TSR, Dip Test Authorization (DTA) Letter Containing The Storage Tank Location And Its GPS Coordinates And Buyer Countersign The DTA With Seller Tank Farm.
4. Upon Buyers Satisfactory Verification Of Sellers Tanks As Authorized By The DTA, Sellers Tank Farm Issues A 2-Day Tank Storage Receipt (TSR) To The Buyer To Enable Buyer To Take Over Sellers Tanks.
5. Upon Receiving The Signed DTA And TSR From The Buyer, The Seller Issues The Following POP Documents:
A. Product Passport.
B. Fresh SGS Report (Not Older Than 48 Hours).
C. Export License.
D. Authority To Verify (ATV).
E. Refinery Irrevocable Commitment To Supply.
F. Sales And Purchase Agreement (SPA).
G. Statement Of The Availability Of The Product.
H. Certificate Of Origin.
I. ATSC (Authorization To Sell & Collect).
6. Upon Successful Dip Test At Sellers Expense, Buyer Makes 100% Payment For The First Trial Via MT103/TT Wiring And The Seller Transfers Ownership Of The Product To The Buyer.
7. Seller Pays All Intermediaries And Subsequent Monthly Delivery Continues.
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Flash Astmd - 92 C 85
Water Content ASTM D4007 Vol% 1.30
Sediments Content ASTM D4007 Vol% 1.70
Total BS&W ASTM D4007 Vol% 3.00
Density @ 15 C ASTM D5002 g / cm 0.976191
Density @ 80 C ASTM D5002 g / cm 0.93483
API ASTM D5002 _ 13.31
S. Gravity 15 C ASTM D5002 _ 0.97715
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 C ASTM D445 C 1387.40
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Serial Test Unit Method Result
1 Color - ASTM D 1500 3.5
2 Viscosity @ 40 ?C Centistoke ASTM D 7042 44.030
3 Viscosity @ 100 ?C Centistoke ASTM D 7042 6.7736
4 Viscosity Index Centistoke ASTM D 7042 108
5 Specific Gravity @ 15.56 ?C Gm / Cm3 ASTM D 4052 0.8751
6 Flash Point C ? ASTM D 92 190
7 Water By Distillation Wt. % ASTM D 95 LT 0.05
8 Initial Boiling Point ( IBP ) ? F ASTM D 2887 629
9 5 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 703
10 10 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 729
11 20 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 764
12 30 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 789
13 40 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 812
14 50 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 838
15 60 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 868
16 70 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 902
17 80 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 936
18 90 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 974
19 95 % Volume Recovered ? F ASTM D 2887 1001
20 Final Boiling Point ( FBP ) ? F ASTM D 2887 1036
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Property Value Unit
Viscosity 500 Mm2 / s(Cst)
Density@15 c .9982 g / cm3
Density@80 c .9502 g / cm3
Flash Point 85 C
Pour Point 24 C
Carbon Residues 18 %Wt
Sulphur 3.87 %Wt
Ash 0.04 %Wt
Vanadium 97 Mg / Kg
Water 0.1 %Vol
Sediment ( Potential ) 0.07 %Wt
Aluminum and Silicon 25 Mg / Kg
Silicon 13 Mg / Kg
Sodium 13 Mg / Kg
Iron 15 Mg / Kg
Nickel 36 Mg / Kg
Calcium 3 Mg / Kg