Here are some onion varieties that grow well in Kenya: Red Creole: A common variety that grows well in Kenya Red Pinny: A common variety that grows well in Kenya Jambar 1: A common variety that grows well in Kenya Red Bombay: A common variety that grows well in Kenya Bombay White Onion: A profitable variety with a mild flavor and long shelf life Jambar F1: A popular variety that can be cultivated in all counties, including drier areas Red Coach F1: A popular hybrid variety that produces high yields and onions with the ideal size and color for Kenyan markets Malbec F1: A common hybrid variety
Fresh Red Onion.
Fresh Onion.
Fresh red onion.
Fresh Red Onion.
Yemen red onion.
Red Bulb Onions.
Fresh onion.
Red onions.
Fresh red onion.
Red onion.
Red bulb onion.
Red onion.
Fresh Onion.Export
Red onion.
Fresh onion.
Red onion, onion.
Red onion.Ship, export